Search results for query: *

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    Question How to mark a thread as "Resolved"

    ahhhh ok thank you InkedGFX
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    Question How to mark a thread as "Resolved"

    I would like a walk through on how I can mark a thread as resolved when I feel the issue is resolved....can anyone show me how to do this? Thank You InkedGFX
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    Resolved Split() String code not working

    ...As String = GetLotterynumbers() Dim num As String = Mid(SourceNumbers, 1) Dim DrawDate As Match = Regex.Match(SourceNumbers, "[0-9]*/[0-9]*/[0-9]{4}") WinningNumbersDrawDate = DrawDate.Value Dim stringSplit() As String = num.Split(","c) Dim Index...
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    Question SQL Express Deployment

    I will try it . thanks for the help InkedGFX
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    Question SQL Express Deployment

    I was hoping it wasnt as difficult to deploy as it was to I have a simple database in my program...maybe I will continue to develop it...thanks for the reply InkedGFX
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s) can I get rid of the second loop and just set the label's text with the first for loop? for example: for i = 1 to form1.NumericUpandDown1.value gameNumbers.add(GetrandomSelection(allNumbers, 6)) label1.text = i next edit: I dont think this will work either.. this over write the label...
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    you know I thought that looked funny....but the code worked so I didnt change it......I need it to generate up to 10 games...with 6 numbers in each game... then fill 10 labels with the 10 games generated...if that makes sence.... InkedGFX
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    WOW! I didnt realize how inefficient my code was until you showed me the correct way to do , I have alot to learn thanks again InkedGFX
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    nevermind....I had it wrong...thank you for the help...this will speed my program emensley...thanks again......below is the code that works Dim allNumbers As IEnumerable(Of Integer) = Enumerable.Range(1, 53).ToArray() Dim myNumbers As String Dim gameNumbers As New List(Of...
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    how do I use this to display the numbers in a label control? InkedGFX
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    Jmcilhinney : I took your code and tried to get it to fill a label with just 6 numbers....this returns something unexpected. Dim allNumbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 53).ToArray() Dim gameNumbers As New List(Of Integer()) gameNumbers.Add(GetRandomSelection(allNumbers, 6))...
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    ok..I figured out my problem with not being able to import System.Linq I needed to change the framework I was using....I switched to the 3.5 framework and fixed 2 errors....... gameNumbers(i - 1)) still giving me error... InkedGFX
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    one other question.. I cannot import System.Linq ? Im using VS this a known issue? InkedGFX
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    I'm getting a few errors with the code Private Sub GenerateLotteryNumbers() Dim watch = Stopwatch.StartNew() ' there are 53 possible lottery numbers Dim allNumbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 53).ToArray() <---- Enumerable isnt declared and may be innaccessable 'set...
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    wow...very cool.... I knew I was generating the number the long way.....thank you for the help... InkedGFX
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    the only reason I thought about using a background worker is because when the user generates 4 or more games of numbers ..the program lags until all the numbers are picked...this takes different amounts of time it will be quite fast but the next it will take upto 2 minutes or...
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    Question BackGroundWorker Question(s)

    I added a backgroundworker to my lottery number generator program..everything is working fine but the backgroundworker keeps working even if all the games are picked.... for example: the user has the option to choose from 1 to 6 games to generate...each game generates 6 unique numbers...once...
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    Question SQL Express Deployment

    thanks for the reply.....I guess I wont be adding a database to my projects then....since Microsoft doesnt make it user friendly to do so....... InkedGFX
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    Question SQL Express Deployment

    I would like to know how to deploy a SQL Database with my Program...what I mean is are there extra steps in creation of the setup program to insure the end user will have no problems when installing the program from a setup installer? will the setup take care of everything needed to run the...
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    Question Correct Function ?

    Thank You for the reply...I will remember not to use Or and And in the future..... InkedGFX