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  • Users: Pace
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  1. Pace

    problem updating DB

    Hi Badger lol! Thanks for your reply... I must add, Ive gotten a bit further... I think the reason behind the concurrency was because I had masses of filds in the adapter and was trying only to update a few via the dataset. Now I have made my adapter on par to the dataset, I dont get the...
  2. Pace

    problem updating DB

    Hi all, I have a form that displays customer records... I let the user pick a record, edit it, then save the updated record to the backend... Now when you make an edit and hit save it looks fine, however the backend has not changed... if you move to another record and hit update then save...
  3. Pace books

    Thanks :) Your all far too kind lol :P
  4. Pace

    Populating a cbo with values from table

    HEHE! My friend, you truly are a star! Thanks for your help, you were exactly right. Thanks again! Barry
  5. Pace

    Populating a cbo with values from table

    Thank you so kindly for your help so far Badger... I have tried re-creating the data set and data adapter... I have included some screens... Im not sure, do I have the right code for the items? Do I not need a statement to say for each entity in this dataset, create an item? again I...
  6. Pace

    use of imports

    Thank you Craig!
  7. Pace

    Populating a cbo with values from table

    Hi Badger! Thanks for your reply... I have bound my control to the relevant part of my dataset and here is the code, can you see anything wrong with it, or why it would only initially show a customer, but when I drop it I cant see anymore; Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As...
  8. Pace

    use of imports

    Hi, Can someone briefly explain to me why you would add references to importing objects? is it so you can use the methods of that object on your form? Also say you want to do a particular task. is their a way of searching for a method to do this ? Either a link or a quick heads up...
  9. Pace

    how to resize a form?

    hmmm. Do you have the properties of the form so that it is sizable? despite its transparancy? Im new so I may well be wrong, but I think you would have to add event code to handle the size of the form, once they have clicked the area in question... Seems hard work to me just for some...
  10. Pace

    Populating a cbo with values from table

    Populating a cbo with values from table - SOLVED Hi all, I really apologise for my noobishness here... This is a really cool forum btw :) can see me here for a bit :) but getting at my point. company uses an Access db app with a sql backend... now im kind of playing with .net particulary...