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  • Users: Pace
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  1. Pace

    Passing Variables between forms

    Hello ejarju, look into using modules in your applications; Module MyModule Public vartest As string vartest = "..." End Module I think thats right ;)
  2. Pace

    SQL Servers available in intranet -- listing duplicates

    kulrom I am interested in this answer, is there anyway you can talk me through? Im intrigued by For i As integer = 0 To oNames.Count 'where oNames is declared as SQLDMO.NameList but probably you know that If Not cmbList.Items.Contains(oNames.Item(i).ToUpper) Then...
  3. Pace

    how do anyone create a game in

    Cool link :cool:
  4. Pace

    Creating Query

    top post kulrom :)
  5. Pace

    Problems Compiling

    Well the IDE is Visual Studio... What he means is if you open VS, select your project and choose build so that you can run a demo, the compiler will let you know of any errors that you have in your project... hth Pace
  6. Pace

    Imports Quickie

    Hey Thanks MJB thats a good suggestion :) Can you show me how I can import the SYSTEM.IO.STREAMREADER namespace into my app? I think its Imports System.IO near the top of my declarations, but I cant quite seem to get it in the right place for it to fit :S edit; mis spelt STREAM :doh!:
  7. Pace

    Imports Quickie

    ...As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem2.Click Dim StreamDisplay As System.IO.StreamReader Dim FilePath AsString OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text File (*.txt)|*.TXT" OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() If OpenFileDialog1.FileName <> "" Then FilePath = OpenFileDialog1.FileName StreamDisplay = New...
  8. Pace

    Array Newbie

    Thanks MJB, At least im getting my head round this :) to be honest its loads of fun :cool:
  9. Pace

    Array Newbie

    I think I might be a bit confused :S is it because if you did MyArray(32) it SHOULD be 0 - 31 but its 0 - 32?
  10. Pace

    Array Newbie

    Magic, thank you! :)
  11. Pace

    Array Newbie

    Thanks badger! The thing that was confusing me is this whole i = 0 to Ubound... So say you had an array MyArray(32) ... you would still use i = 0 to Ubound to loop through all 32 entities in the array?
  12. Pace

    Array Newbie

    Hi All, Im pretty new to arrays... I understand their general concept IE they are a place for variable's, however I am having a bit of trouble understanding the following... can anyone talk me through how this works? Dim temperatures(6) As Single Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As...
  13. Pace

    Accessing Database in Various Forms

    You dont as such need to do this... Im not entirely sure you understand the concepts but once you have a database that is made up of tables, you can create as many forms as you want to interact with those tables... what you will need to declare however are connections to this database... you...
  14. Pace

    Posting values to a web page

    Basically Rakesh I think we are trying to say that we could do with some specifics to help us help you. Where are you storing this data? MySQL, SQL Server etc ;-) hth
  15. Pace

    VB / VBA Printing - Choose Tray from Code?

    Thanks mjb3030
  16. Pace

    VB / VBA Printing - Choose Tray from Code?

    Hi All, I was wondering is it possible in code to write a print funtion that would take the initial page from one tray of a printer and everypage their after from another tray? I dont need the code to do this, I just need an answer as to weather or not this is possible... And if you knew...
  17. Pace

    Border Color in Label Controls

    No is the short answer there.
  18. Pace

    stored procedures & (Newbie(ish))

    Hi All, Im looking for some examples on how to pass a value from a control on a form to a sql stored procedure using basically im ok with SQL, im good with VBA and im ok with I just want to start tieing the technologies together. I dont need spoon feeding, just some...
  19. Pace

    problem updating DB

    Thanks again Badger! :)
  20. Pace

    problem updating DB

    For anyone else reading this adding; Me.BindingContext(DsCust1, "Customer").EndCurrentEdit() at the begininng of the btnSave_Click procedure adds the changes... Badger, just trying your other solution merely for comparion. Is this the OleDbDataAdapter1.AcceptChangesDuringFill() call you...