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  • Users: Pace
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  1. Pace

    update table in 2k5 (PICS)

    Answer... Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click Me.CustomerBindingAdapter.EndEdit 'THATS MA BOI! Me.CustomerTableAdapter.Update(DsCustBasic.Customer) End Sub
  2. Pace

    xml as app config

    also That seems to be what you are looking for...
  3. Pace

    xml as app config

    I briefly looked, Try:
  4. Pace

    viewing .net framework classes

    if your in VS2005 you can just right click the code and choose "Go To Definition" ;-)
  5. Pace

    Populating listviews

    Well its not me thats doing it but your answer corresponds to my question perfectly =) Im just glad I understand more and more every day ;-) I think starman could also use; For i = 0 To ds.Tables("Spring04").Rows.Count -1 ListView1.Items.Add(ds.Tables("Spring04").Rows(i). Item(i))...
  6. Pace

    xml as app config hth Pace
  7. Pace

    Editing VBNET code on 2 PCs

    I think his problem is when he is compiling / running etc etc its not in a trusted location as its on his USB Pen... Try creating a local folder on each machine with the same path and simply use the USB key to move things from one place to another.
  8. Pace

    Learning VB.Net

    Hi, This is VS.NET forum, we have a dedicated forum for but you might like to try:
  9. Pace

    Populating listviews

    So would you put the (i) through out the whole procedure... As you are looping through each of the records, placing a number would be bad right? as if you are constricting it.
  10. Pace

    Populating listviews

    ListView1.Items(0).SubItems.Add(ds.Tables("Spring0 4").Rows(i).Item(0)) ListView1.Items().SubItems.Add(ds.Tables("Spring04").Rows(i).Item(0)) Also I think I get what jmcilhinney is saying... If you are creating an item as (1) wouldnt the subitems you are creating also want to be from...
  11. Pace

    Urgent: debug my app

    yes jet is access's native engine if you like.
  12. Pace

    Show form first

    exactly... click in my project (solution explorer) and define the startup form ;-)
  13. Pace

    Show form first

    My Project! Doh =S
  14. Pace

    Show form first

    Hi, If you have a multiple form application, how do you configure which opens at application start in vs2005?
  15. Pace

    update table in 2k5 (PICS)

    looking at an article on MSDN I guess if I re-create the DataSet, add the advanced setup parts there then I think the only thing I have to pass is the table name?
  16. Pace

    update table in 2k5 (PICS)

    Hi All, I dont understand how you update a table on a database in Vb2005... Does anyone know? I have the appropriate Update statements in my .xsd file, When I call the update method of the table adapter, im not exactly sure what I am supposed to be passing here... im too used to just...
  17. Pace

    stored procedure for inserting a field in to database

    Hi there, Here is a basic example; Create Procedue usp_MyInsert ( @insertID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @insertName VARCHAR(50), @insDescrip TEXT, ) AS INSERT INTO myTable (insertID, insertName, insDescription, LastUpdateDate) VALUES (@insertID, @insertName, @insDescrip, GETDATE()) If you need more...
  18. Pace

    Simple Log In - Mentor

    Hi All, I have a made a log in form for a user to start using an app. Now I have a sql server with user info in I want to use to validate the user. I found a demo on codeproject, I understand the code however I dont understand the demo. Ref...
  19. Pace

    Execute Application

    Can you explain "Public Shared Sub Main"... is main running all the time within the exe or something so you can call it anytime without importing the namespace etc.
  20. Pace

    check connection

    Kulrom you made that far too easy for a homework task :-P