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  1. P

    Help problems after conversion 2003 to 2005

    no problem, glad i could help :)
  2. P

    Writing to ReadOnly text files

    Im not sure if you can remove the ReadOnly attribute off the top of my head. but a quick work around would be to read the file then delete it and write to a new file with the same name. to be safe i would read the file, then write to a new file with a different name (including your ammendments)...
  3. P

    Advanced: Shell Replacement sysTray, animated icons

    Thanks for the links, i just checked them all out, there is some interesting stuff in the second one but none of them have helped me solve my problem, that Bos shell thing in the second link said it had a system tray in it but it doesnt, its just a space for the clock :( im not going to give up...
  4. P

    Converting C# to

    It looks like you are trying to pass an array that has not been created yet. Try this... Imports InteractiveSoftworks.VoiceNet.ProjectUtilities Dim oProjectManager As New ProjectManager("NG2468", New ScriptModel(){ScriptModel.AgentScriptModel, ScriptModel.IVRScriptModel}, New...
  5. P

    MS word tables in

    like this... Dim myTable As Table Dim myRow As Row Dim myCell As Cell Dim cellText AsString ForEach myRow In myTable.Rows cellText = myRow.Cells(2).Range.Text cellText = Trim$(Left$(cellText, Len(cellText) - 2)) Console.WriteLine(cellText) Next
  6. P

    MSFlexGrid Error

    the idea behind using -1 was if the collection started at 0 in .net instead of 1, which apparently it dosent. All i can suggest is to use a datagrid instead of a MSFlexGrid.
  7. P

    Advanced: Shell Replacement sysTray, animated icons

    I found the same article a few mins ago too and have left him a message to see if he ever figured it out. It is definatly a strange one. I guess i will have to wait for his reply which will probably be a no. Thanks for putting in the time to help me :) i thought it was a bit of a long shot...
  8. P

    Advanced: Shell Replacement sysTray, animated icons

    if you want to see an example of this working here is one in delphi, unfortunatly i am unable to find any shell examples written in vb or c# im not sure what i am doing different and my delphi isnt too good but they dont seem to have my...
  9. P

    Advanced: Shell Replacement sysTray, animated icons

    that structure is for windows NT, windows 2k and xp use some optional parameters, either way the hIcon is in the same place in both structures so it actually doesnt make a difference which one i use.
  10. P

    Advanced: Shell Replacement sysTray, animated icons

    Yeah, here is one of the data structures im using... <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ PublicStructure NID Public cbSize As UInt32 Public hwnd As IntPtr Public uid As UInt32 Public uFlags As UInt32 Public uCallbackMessage As UInt32 Public hIcon As IntPtr...
  11. P

    MSFlexGrid Error

    i have never used a MSFlexGrid but it sounds to me that intRow is an integer that is not representing a valid row in the Grids array. possibly try using intRow-1 instead?
  12. P

    Help problems after conversion 2003 to 2005

    are you using 32bit colour mode on your display? because standard form transparency will only work with 24bit or less. if you are using 24 bit and its still not transparent, try setting the back colour to pink then choose pink as the forms transparency key.
  13. P

    files and arrayList

    In that case you could use a sorted list collection, that will allow you to add a key (xml element name) and a value. then simply loop through that collection and add the key/value pairs to the xml document for example... Dim col as new Collections.Generic.SortedList(Of String, String) add...
  14. P

    Advanced: Shell Replacement sysTray, animated icons

    I thought that might be the case at first too, but if it were the hIcon should still point to a valid icon in memory, but it apparently doesnt. What you are describing is correct, task managers tray icon that shows the cpu usage is actually 10 seperate icons and task manager sends a Modify...
  15. P

    files and arrayList

    Dont use a loop, create your xml document like this xtw.WriteElementString("ORDERNO", arrList(0)) xtw.WriteElementString("custcode".ToUpper, arrList(1)) xtw.WriteElementString("custPart".ToUpper, arrList(2)) or if you have multiple objects you want in the same xml document you should create a...
  16. P

    Advanced: Shell Replacement sysTray, animated icons

    Hi everyone, this is a pritty specific question and im pritty sure no one out there will be able to help me, but its worth a try :) I am developing a replacement shell for windows xp. So far i have window management and the system tray pritty much done, the problem i am having is that...