Search results for query: *

  • Users: robertb_NZ
  • Content: Threads
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  1. R

    DataGridView doesn't show added row

    My program assigns a datagridview.Datasource with dgvLayouts.DataSource = Layoutnames Layoutnames is defined Property Layoutnames As New List(Of LayoutElement) In my test there are initially 4 members of the list, and dgvLayouts is displayed as expected with 4 rows, each with the fields of...
  2. R

    Excel Interop: unexplained result

    I am writing a VB.NET application that processes an Excel spreadsheet. As each line is processed it is highlighted, and there is an option to step through the lines. I have a method to highlight the current line: - Sub HighlightThisRow(Row As Integer) ' Current row is...
  3. R

    buttons on the spreadsheet to interact with my application

    I have a VB.NET application that creates and displays an Excel spreadsheet, ending up with ' Make sure Excel is visible and give the user control of Excel's lifetime. xlApp.Visible = True xlApp.UserControl = True The user can then edit the spreadsheet and save it, returning to the application...
  4. R

    Question Excel Interop. Detect when user has not made a selection

    I am writing a VB.NET program that opens a spreadsheet, and then gets various information from it based on user actions. For example, to get the first data row, the program uses Dim xlApp As Excel.Application = New Excel.Application Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlWorkSheet As...
  5. R

    Selected text not highlighted until parent form clicked

    I am trying to add Find and Replace functions to a RichTextBox editor (Jazz Workbench). I found an example that did what I wanted, downloaded the sample application, and copied frmFind into my project. It works perfectly except that: Find doesn't highlight the found text until you click the...
  6. R

    ClickOnce application: test if program is being run off line

    I have a ClickOnce application published with option "The application is available offline as well". When run from the web page it is passed a URI query, so I need to know if it is being run offline, or from Visual Studio. I have the following code, which works, but is there a better way that...
  7. R

    Can't Access HttpUtility

    I am using VS2010 with .NET Framework 4.0. Project GDBChart. I had written this as part of the logic to pass parameters from ClickOnce to a Windows program through the query string . It all worked perfectly: - Imports System.Deployment.Application Imports System.Collections.Specialized...
  8. R

    Ensuring Asynchronous Tasks run (or fail) in the Correct Sequence

    I have been using this code in synchronous mode. Dim UploadInvoked As Boolean = False '<== global: defined at the top of the Class Sub UploadCPYFile(CPYLIBNAME As String) ' Designed for uploading SQL and Message (web service) definitions to CPYLIB. Build 13.3, jobs...
  9. R

    Published Application won't run

    I have developed a VB application (called "Jazz") using VS2010, and .NET 4.0. I have previously successfully published this as a click-once, but I can't publish the latest version ( It runs perfectly using the VS debugger. When I publish the application, there are no error or...
  10. R

    ClickOnce deployment - XML files not found

    Summary: I am trying to use ClickOnce, but when I run my application a file seems to be missing. I can't see any difference from other files that are successfully deployed. Detail: My application requires a number of application files that must be deployed with the compiled software. For...
  11. R

    Tutorial on Logging Error Information

    My application starts with a startup form that in normal circumstances is never seen. The startup form includes this code: - Private Sub Startup_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Try Dim Workbench As New JazzWorkbench...
  12. R

    TabControl behaves erratically

    I have a tab control with 4 tabs: let's call them Tab0, Tab1, Tab2, and Tab3. When the form is opened Tab0 is displayed. If I click Tab1 or Tab3 they display normally, but if I click Tab2 Tab0 remains displayed although the tab itself (at the top) shows as Tab2. If I now click Tab0 and then...
  13. R

    Why does debugging affect thread behaviour

    Summary I have a class that handles FTP. When I run this synchronously, or as a thread but with a debugging break point, it works perfectly. However when I run this as a thread without a break point it appears to run twice, resulting in error messages from FTP. Detail Here is my code, with a...
  14. R

    How Do I get Notepad to open in Landscape mode

    From my VB.Net program I'm opening a Notepad window with If System.IO.File.Exists(Path) Then System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Path) End If where Path points to a .txt file. In my situation the file will have lines of approx 133 characters, which is fine...
  15. R

    Why do I get different results with Command Prompt compared with using Process

    ...SW.Close() SR.Close() Now however JZFTPOUT.TXT contains User ( Open ---> USER IBMUser ---> PASS ******** ---> Quote Site Filetype=JES Site Filetype=JES ---> PUT C:\crdta1.jcl PORT 192,168,1,101,197,117 ---> STOR CRDta1.JCL ---> Quit QUIT Why the...
  16. R

    How do I FTP to/from IBM Mainframe, including Job Submission

    This replaces thread as that failed to give me an answer that worked. Summary From my VB.NET program I want to be able to use FTP to submit jobs and upload/download data to/from a zOS...
  17. R

    Question FTP to IBM Mainframe - How do I convert to EBCDIC?

    ...this? The source file (path\TEST1.JCL, on my laptop) has data: - //IBMUSERF JOB ,CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=H,NOTIFY=&SYSUID,COND=(8,LT) //*** COPY SOURCE INTO SOURCE LIBRARY //* Dummy Data for initial FTP test After this has been FTP'd to the zOS system it looks like this...
  18. R

    Question Why do I have to click a radiobutton twice?

    I put a Groupbox containing four RadioButtons. Everything worked perfectly, except that the settings were not retained from one execution to another. I defined settings in My.Settings, one for each RB, type Boolean, and set the RB's ApplicationBinding/PropertySetting to these. Thus the first...
  19. R

    Converting "," to " ", but not within a string.

    I have written this routine which seems to work perfectly, but is there a better way (more efficient, more concise) ? Function ReplaceCommas(Linein As String) As String ' Replace "," with " ", except where they are within a string Dim SB As New StringBuilder Dim...
  20. R

    Discover web services in my application

    I want to develop a feature in my VB.NET application that allows the user to discover and use web services, with a dialog that will behave rather like the "Add Service Reference" in Visual Studio. Thus a user can give a URI where services are available, and the dialog responds with a list of the...