Search results for query: *

  1. JuggaloBrotha

    check .net framework is installed

    is it possible to use so see if the .net framework is installed? if not, then how would i do it in vb6?
  2. JuggaloBrotha

    network shut down (win2k,xp,2k3) articles

    i've come across other articles for vb6 on how to send a shut down command through a local (house) network and i was thinking it'd be nifty to get into writing programs that do similar things. right now i'm more or less targeting shutdown routines now i'm not looking for source code (thought...
  3. JuggaloBrotha

    dumb database question

    ok, i've got a simple two table ms access database, most of the primary table is displayed in labels but some parts of it (three feilds actually) contain balances of which are calculated by the program, instead of binding them to labels or textboxs i want them to be stored in variables, how do...
  4. JuggaloBrotha

    application.startuppath database access

    ok this one is kind of interesting. i have an application that access an msaccess (jetdriver 4.5 or whatever it is) that'll always be in the app's start up directory. now the problem is that this application wont always be in the same directory on all of the computers. is there a way to have...
  5. JuggaloBrotha

    Prevent Application from starting twice

    I know this function will check to see if an instance is already running, in which you can check it... Function PrevInstance() As Boolean If Ubound(Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName)) > 0 Then Return True Else Return...
  6. JuggaloBrotha

    Having trouble using GetProcesses(string) with remote computers

    posted from the 'archive': i've got a question on this one too... how does one go about adding all the other computer name's on the network to a combobox or a listbox? i know how to get the local machine's name, but i dont know how to obtian the names of all the remote machines :(