Search results for query: *

  1. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved HttpCookie, Expire date is #12:00:00 AM#

    I have a Login.aspx page where if the user has the 'Remember Me' checked then it stores their username in a cookie for a year so whenever they hit the login page (session timed out, or they clicked logout at some point) the username is pre-filled. The pre-filling is working fine, in fact it...
  2. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Double Buffer

    When dealing with a user control I sometimes see code like this in the constructor:Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, True)andMyBase.DoubleBuffered = TrueWhat's the difference?
  3. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Inherit ListView, Dispose

    I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track? Public Shadows Sub Dispose() 'Dispose of my object here... MyBase.Dispose() End Sub
  4. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Creating a Base form

    I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit. This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it...
  5. JuggaloBrotha

    Question Detect if Hibernation is an option

    This kind of goes along with my Shut Down & Restart thread from a few weeks ago, but one of the things I'm wondering is if it's possible to detect if the system has Hibernation enabled, or in the case of Win2k if hibernation is even possible. I already know how to hibernate the computer via the...
  6. JuggaloBrotha

    AnkhSVN 2.1.7444

    I'm currently setting up TortoiseSVN 1.6.6 on my WinXP system here at work and since I use VS2005 and VS2008 regularly here I'm considering installing AnkhSVN 2.1.7444 to make things easier as at my other job I use VSS (Visual Source Safe) which integrates into VS2003, VS2005 and VS2008 and...
  7. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Shut down the computer when system is locked

    I've noticed that a few download management programs do this, like uTorrent for example, where you can set it to shut down the system when the download(s) complete and I would like to implement this in my app as well. Right now I'm using Process.Start("shutdown.exe", "-s -t 05") which works...
  8. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Ajax ToolKit 2.0

    I have a VS2005 WebSite that works fine using the TextBox AutoComplete extender for the 2.0 Framework. Currently our shop is upgrading all of our VS 2002, 2003 and 2005 projects to VS 2008 and as part of our code standards that we now have this VS 2005 WebSite needs to become a VS 2008 WebApp...
  9. JuggaloBrotha

    Question appname.exe.config

    ...purpose of this file? I opened it in Notepad and noticed that one of the things stored in it is the connection strings to my access databases (my *.xsd file uses those connstrings) However, when I delete the *.exe.config file, the app still has the correct connection strings (pass words...
  10. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Jet 4.0 x64

    How come there aren't any? I mean there's the 2.0 x64 Framework yet it doesn't have the x64 Jet drivers, isn't that kind of stupid?
  11. JuggaloBrotha

    With statement declaration

    I'm just curious, what exactly happens to the FileInfo object when it hits the 'End With'? I know it falls out of scope so I can't use it beyond that, but does it get assigned a null pointer or what?With New FileInfo(SomeFilePathHere) .Attributes = (.Attributes Or FileAttributes.ReadOnly)...
  12. JuggaloBrotha

    Generating and validating product keys

    I have an application where they can use it for free for 30 days then after that they'll need to register it in which I figure using a product key would be something familiar for people, problem is I don't really know where to begin creating a keygenerator that would generate the keys for my...
  13. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Access query Not in another query 'This one returns 0 records: SELECT SourceFiles.FileName, SourceFiles.FileSize, SourceFiles.Hash FROM SourceFiles WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Matches);'This one gives me the error of it only ever returning 1 record: SELECT SourceFiles.FileName, SourceFiles.FileSize, SourceFiles.Hash...
  14. JuggaloBrotha

    VS 2008 Check for DST on Saturday in the US

    I think I have a function that'll throw up a messagebox if the current day is the Saturday before the Daylight Saving Time change for the US. The days it changes is the 2nd Sunday in March and the 1st Sunday in November, the time doesn't matter in this app, just the date. Private Function...
  15. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Conditional html FavIcon

    I have an aspx page where I'm trying to set the FavIcon using the conditional html statements, here's what I have so far:<head runat="server"> <!--[if gte IE 7]> <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/Images/jb32.ico"/> <![elseif lte IE 6]> <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON"...
  16. JuggaloBrotha

    Need some regex help

    I'm not sure where to begin on this one, but I'm getting a string from a System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString() and what I need is the first match for this part of the string which is: ;sesc=6057eb4ce0b218046467378c73d55ea0" I need the stuff between the ; and the " the...
  17. JuggaloBrotha

    Posting & You

    This should be a mandatory video for everyone when they register: YouTube - Posting and you
  18. JuggaloBrotha

    synchronizing folders

    Unless someone knows of a way to do this already in windows, what's the best method for (using a background worker) checking all of the files & subfolders in a folder against another folder in an external usb hdd? I'd like it to copy only the files that's changed since the last backup, and it'd...
  19. JuggaloBrotha

    Resolved Framework definition

    What's a good way to define what the Framework's are? Basically I'm looking for a good way to give a brief overview of what the .Net Frameworks are and why an average person should have them installed.
  20. JuggaloBrotha

    URL validation regex

    RegularExpressionValidator, need a regex pattern where this valid url: CivXplorer Online! Geographic Information System (GIS) passes. The default one MS provides is one of the worst, but I haven't been able to find a pattern where that url passes either.