Search results for query: *

  1. WellsCarrie

    Distinct command doesn't work properly...

    Do this instead. SELECT distinct empNo, MAX(missing), MAX(reason) FROM [tempMissing] GROUP BY empNo ORDER BY empNo
  2. WellsCarrie

    Visual Studio .NET ERROR!! "..has detected not running ASP.NET 1.1.."

    DO THE FOLLOWING URL –;en-us;306005 Instructions incase the url is blocked! To fix IIS mappings for ASP.NET, run the Aspnet_regiis.exe utility: 1. Click Start, and then click Run. 2. In the Open text box, type cmd, and then press ENTER...
  3. WellsCarrie

    build word doc and print from filewatcher service

    Ok I have written a file watcher service that successfully watches for a .csv file and reads it. What I need to do now is take the information from the .csv file and create a special label for the shipping department. I need to use word so that I can control the font size type and colors per...
  4. WellsCarrie

    COMException durring data set loop

    Ok I am getting an ADODB recordset back from the AS400 using the following Private strOmegaConn AsString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;User Id=filecopy;Data Source=Omega;Persist Security Info=false;Password=filecopy;" Private gdcOmega AsNew ADODB.Connection 'RUN QUERY AND PROCESS THE RESULTS...
  5. WellsCarrie

    Folder/file Access Denied...

    No, that was just a typing mistake... the file name should be what ever file they choose. since it will be AS400 text files there will be no spaces in the file name. One instresting thing I have discovered is that if I use indentity impersonation (imperanating me)...then everything works fine...
  6. WellsCarrie

    Folder/file Access Denied...

    Ok, here's the situation... my company will be implementing a new manufacturing system/solution in December. It will be producing 10 to 20 fixed length data files an hour that will have to be read by the Shipping departments AS400. So that the AS400 team can start testing thier file conversion...
  7. WellsCarrie true then false?

    Thanks! jmcilhinney. You are correct when I took the out of my watch list. It worked correctly. I was begining to think I had gone crazy. Carrie
  8. WellsCarrie true then false?

    Ok i have to retrive one at a time a name value from an oracle server database in NJ. I am not allowed (because of network security rules) to set up a join between my oracle server db in AR to the oracle server db in NJ. so I have set up the following function: <code> Public Function...
  9. WellsCarrie

    How do you debug a windows service?

    If you do find a simpler way please post it! I looked for 4 days before I found this one. I tried a 10 other "suggestions" that didn't work at all. Carrie
  10. WellsCarrie

    How do you debug a windows service?

    1) Add System.Diagnostics.Debug.Break() twice several lines above where you want to start debugging. 2) Compile your service. 3) Install your service. 4) Start your sercice. The service will run until it gets to the complied "break". 5) When it asks what debugger you want to use pick a...
  11. WellsCarrie

    New to windows services

    The connection object has no finalize method and .net will not let me do a dispose on an open connection. I need to be able to find the command that is running and stop it first before the connection is closed and disposed. Thanks!
  12. WellsCarrie

    How do you debug a windows service?

    The line System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() is causing an uninteded loop to happen in my service. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Can anyone help me? thanks Carrie
  13. WellsCarrie

    New to windows services

    I'm using the System.Timers.Timer for the service. I do have another question though. I want to ensure that a datbase connection I'm using to do the work really does get closed and desposed of if the service should get shut down. I'm using the following code: What I can't figure out is...
  14. WellsCarrie

    New to windows services

    Then a 24 hour system.timer is what I'll use. Thanks for the input!
  15. WellsCarrie

    New to windows services

    I need to write an VB.Net app that can be started and stopped by the "robot" application running on the department's production server. The application will basically read from the manufacturing AS400 database, process the record set(s) and then load the process results into the shipping...