Search results for query: *

  1. WellsCarrie

    Can Threading Handle This??

    Issue, I need to have a link on my web page that the user can click to kick off the chain of events to load the work database. The database will be loaded with data from 4 seperate sources and sometimes will contain hundreds of thousands of records. Is there a way to kick off the events and...
  2. WellsCarrie

    Stack Overflow Error only when run via share

    Senario, VB.Net 1.1 Console App reads an input file (xml, txt, csv) and sends the information to a web service for "central monitoring" of data file sends and recieves. So process one would run the console app when a data file is sent to process two and process two would run the console app when...
  3. WellsCarrie

    Process.Start Question

    Doh! I see! Thanks!!!!!
  4. WellsCarrie

    Process.Start Question

    ok it will run cscript.exe but when I try to have it execute "cscript.exe c:\ARFiles\ArConversionFTP.vbs" the program breaks with the claim it can not find the file. I have triple checked the .vbs path and file name and when I copy the quoted section onto a command line it runs fine...
  5. WellsCarrie

    Process.Start Question

    I have the requirement to run a VBS process to FTP files from our AS400 system. The VBS was written for me and I am not allowed to use any other ftping system. (sys admin rules! :mad:). That being said I have been tasked with writing an application that will fetch the files, process the data in...
  6. WellsCarrie

    Creating a Portfolio

    I went on an interview a couple of weeks ago and was asked what my portfolio's web address is. I'm not new to web development but I was surprised. Especially when I considered the fact they had already been informed that all of my previous and current work is proprietary to the companies for...
  7. WellsCarrie

    Return Value from a Console Application

    Thanks! :D This worked Great! I am running only main(void). So I am exiting with a zero. I think there is something wrong on thier end. Carrie
  8. WellsCarrie

    Return Value from a Console Application

    I have a console application that seeks data from multiply sources, does some calculations and then loads a data table used by several web sites and reports. When it is run manually, the app works consistently with out unresolved errors. However, I need the operations team to run the...
  9. WellsCarrie

    setting visible row of datagrid.

    BLESS YOU!!!!! And Thanks, you have made my customer's very happy. Carrie
  10. WellsCarrie

    setting visible row of datagrid.

    style="overflow:auto" I added a style tag as below <asp:Panel id="pnlOrders" style="OVERFLOW: auto" runat="server" Width="100%" BorderWidth="1" Height="240" BorderStyle="solid" BorderColor="#eeeeee"></asp:Panel> Then anything you put inside the panel that takes up too much room will...
  11. WellsCarrie

    setting visible row of datagrid.

    *answered* setting visible row of datagrid. John is a saivor! See his answer below. Ok just point me to the thread if this has been answered before. I couldn't find one. I have a web page with 3 panels. One with filtering items (ddls, radio buttons, Calendars, ect.) The second one holds...
  12. WellsCarrie

    Turn off Datagrid Add Row...

    Yeah!!! Yes it is one datattable that makes up the data source. I only have this one XML file so I do the following: Dim ds as new dataset Dim dt as new datatable ds.ReadXml("..\XML\ftp.xml") ds.ReadXmlSchema("..\XML\ftp.xsd") dt = ds.dataTable(0) 'since there is only one...
  13. WellsCarrie

    Turn off Datagrid Add Row...

    I have an XML file that will hold the FTP settings for a program. The user is allowed to personalize the default settings. I want to just put a copy of the xml file out with the install and allow the user to update it via a special "setting" form inside the application. However I do not want to...
  14. WellsCarrie

    Retrieving Return Parameter

    YEAH!!!!! THANK YOU! I didn't even think to reset the direction.
  15. WellsCarrie

    Retrieving Return Parameter

    ...the following code: PrivateSub RunObsoluteProductBuild() Dim connOhio AsNew OracleClient.OracleConnection("Data;User Id=***************;Password=*****************;") Dim cmdOhio AsNew OracleClient.OracleCommand Dim sb AsNew System.Text.StringBuilder Try...
  16. WellsCarrie

    Date form - check for null

    the Calendar object will not allow NULLs However You can choose to never set the .SELECTEDDATE property of the object and it will default to "12:00:00 AM". Then when reading it you can do the check I sent above. Unless there is a new feature in SQL2005 then datetime fields will automatically...
  17. WellsCarrie

    Date form - check for null

    Don't use the maskedTextbox since it isn't really needed. This is how I check to see if my calendar object has a valid DateValue. Dim thedate as string = "" thedate = calOrderDate.SelectedDate If thedate = "12:00:00 AM" Or Len(Trim(thedate)) = 0 Then 'pass NULL in your SQL Else...
  18. WellsCarrie

    Excel SaveAs

    Provided oExcel is is the application level obj then the following will work... oExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("C:\Test1.xls", _ FileFormat:=Excel.XlFileFormat.xlXMLSpreadsheet) This of course assumes that the file you wish to save with this name is the active one. This will not overwrite the...
  19. WellsCarrie

    any function to find maximum number?

    As ss7thirty said you should use the system.Array.Sort, then use the system.array.reverse to put filp the sort and make your largest number the (0) index As here 'If your starting list is known as numbers Dim maxvalue AsInteger Dim ary AsInteger() = {10, 20, 56, 87, 54, 1, 2, 14, 22}...
  20. WellsCarrie write to Excel?

    Take a look at this location first. It has great examples of working with Excel in both C# .Net and VB .Net.