Search results for query: *

  1. C

    Deleting from a dataset

    Well not full control, but more control than you get in GUI type mode thingy. I am not using binding sources and data whatits, I am doing things by code. I have a table adapter, which fills my dataset. When i delete a record from the dataset i want it to sync back to the datasource. Is there...
  2. C

    Deleting from a dataset

    I prefer to be in full control, so i prefer to do this all by code. I have managed to delete it from the dataset but I am having problems sync'ing this with the datasource. How would i go about doing this?
  3. C

    Media Keyboard Buttons

    I have found this put I cannot get it to work (as in the code is incorrect - i think?)
  4. C

    Media Keyboard Buttons

    Thanks. Adapter some C# code i found via Google. Still looking for the media keys solution tho.
  5. C

    Random Order Algorithm

    Hi there, I need an algorithm or the jist of how it would work for the following. I have a .txt file with x amount of lines in it. I need to randomly pick each line and add it to a list, but all the lines must be added. Thanks. EDIT: I dont hav ethe problem with the reading of the text...
  6. C

    Media Keyboard Buttons

    Oh ok thanks. How do i make it so that the program does not have to be in focus for the action to occur? Thanks. EDIT: I cant seem to get any sort of response from my media keys on my LX700 Logitech keyboard, but i can from standard keys.
  7. C

    Media Keyboard Buttons

    How can I attach events to media keys which are on keyboards? Thanks.
  8. C

    Create a Windows ToolBar

    Hi there, I would like to create a toolbar like the windows taskbar. How would i go about doing this? Thanks.
  9. C

    Transparent PictureBoxes

    Basically, I have a slideshow and i want it to fade in and out at both ends so i thought i could use an overlay. How would i do this?
  10. C

    Transparent PictureBoxes

    Hi there, Is there anyway to have a transparent picturebox so that i can use it as an overlay? So that i can see all the controls beneath it? Thanks.
  11. C

    On Mouse Hover

    Thanks you! (and sorry for the rubbish explaination)
  12. C

    On Mouse Hover

    Hi there, I have a set part of the form, which i want on hover, it stoppes a timer and on mouse leave it starts the timer again This part of the screen does have objects on it which have been created on runtime. Thanks. EDIT: Also how do i assign events to the objects i have created at runtime?
  13. C

    Switch Montior Off

    EDIT. Figured it out, thanks :)
  14. C

    OpenFileDialog Problem

    Hi there, My openfiledialog keeps causing me problems with the error: Here is my code: Private Sub PlayDVD(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDVD.Click PlayerLoad("D:\VIDEO_TS", 2000) End Sub Private Sub OpenFile(ByVal sender As...
  15. C

    Switch Montior Off

    Hi there, Is there a way to switch the monitor off in VB.NET? Thanks. EDIT: Also how do i reference to the directory that the published .exe is in. So i can refer to a file in the same directory.
  16. C

    Run a "link"

    Thanks. So when should i specifically be usuing the "Shell" command.
  17. C

    Run a "link"

    As in shortcut "C:\shortcut.lnk" Or even the open the file in its associated program (ie word document opens in word) thanks!
  18. C

    Run a "link"

    Hi there, I want to "execute" a link from VB.NET How would i do it? Thanks.
  19. C

    Deleting from a dataset

    Hi there, I have a problem deleting records froma dataset. It works for some but not for all. Could you help determine what the problem is please: Public Sub DeleteRecord(ByVal formObjects As List(Of Control), ByVal table As String, ByVal row As Integer, ByVal lastRow As Integer)...
  20. C

    Network Game

    Thanks for your response. This is my first Windows based language (delved into and a bit though). I am very good at PHP so i know the constructs. I feel confident that is the right time to make the step. Yes i will probably be storing the information in arrays and sending the...