Search results for query: *

  1. jmcilhinney

    Insert DGV1 Select Row in DGV2, decimal places are sometimes not displayed correctly

    ...need to put some actual thought into data types and not just assume that Strings everywhere is a good idea. This: dgvRow.Cells(7).Value.ToString * dgvRow.Cells(6).Value.ToString() is a prime example of not thinking about data types. You presumably have two numbers to begin with. You then...
  2. jmcilhinney

    VS 2022 button shape

    That suggests that either you have turned off visual styles in Windows or in your project or you have changed the FlatStyle property of the Button(s). If you create a new WinForms app project and just add a Button to the form, what does it look like? What do other controls look like...
  3. jmcilhinney

    Subtract the quantity of partsDGV <- bound from DGV3 <- unbound

    Is this issue really resolved? If so, it is considered good form to provide your solution and mark it as the solution, so it might help others with similar issues. If not, you should click the 'Unresolved' button above your post, if it's visible for you. If that button is not there (not sure...
  4. jmcilhinney

    Question QueriesTableAdapter

    You're being told what the issue is. Either you are pulling back NULL data for a column that doesn't allow it, or you are pulling back duplicate data for a column that doesn't allow it, or you are pulling back foreign key data for which there is no primary key. Which is it? It's for you to...
  5. jmcilhinney

    Question QueriesTableAdapter

    You would need to add a table to your DataSet. The corresponding table adapter will then execute a query and populate the DataTable with the result set.
  6. jmcilhinney

    error ? where ?

    Firstly, I told you what the problem is and how to fix it. Secondly, that error should only affect what you see in the Watch window and not prevent you from continuing to debug.
  7. jmcilhinney

    error ? where ?

    For future reference, please don't post pictures of code or error messages or any other text unless it provides some additional value over the text itself. Even if you do provide extra value with a screenshot, you should still provide the text as text, formatted appropriately.
  8. jmcilhinney

    error ? where ?

    Using strdouble() makes no sense in that context, but you haven't actually explained what you're trying to achieve, so how are we supposed to explain how to achieve it? If you want the value of the strdouble variable, then use strdouble. If you want to see a specific element in the array then...
  9. jmcilhinney

    How to Remove an SQLData Object From Memory

    Simply calling Dispose on the DataTable isn't going to help. That just calls the inherited Dispose method from the Component class. It doesn't do anything with the data in the table. That's why I said that you'd need to Clear the DataTable. That will remove all the rows and columns and get you...
  10. jmcilhinney

    How to Remove an SQLData Object From Memory

    By the way, sqlData is a terrible name for that class. For one thing, have you not noticed how every other type you use has a name that starts with an upper-case letter? All names should also be descriptive of what they represent. That class is far more than just data. I'd be inclined to name it...
  11. jmcilhinney

    How to Remove an SQLData Object From Memory

    The SqlConnection doesn't retrieve any data. It represents the connection to the database. The SqlDataAdapter contains one or more SqlCommands and they contains SQL code that is executed on the database to retrieve or save data. When you call Fill on that, the SelectCommand is executed and it...
  12. jmcilhinney

    How to Remove an SQLData Object From Memory

    A SqlConnection doesn't contain any data. Again, please provide a FULL and CLEAR explanation of the problem.
  13. jmcilhinney

    How to Remove an SQLData Object From Memory

    What is "the SQLData object"? Try providing as FULL and CLEAR explanation of the problem.
  14. jmcilhinney

    All files ara corrupted

    I don't think anyone here will be or should be opening a file of unknown origin and content.
  15. jmcilhinney

    Resolved Graphics in paint only?

    For future reference, please don't quote anything from other posts that you don't have to. Doing so makes threads - especially long threads, harder to follow. If you're just providing a general reply, especially to the last post, you don't need to quote anything at all because it adds nothing to...
  16. jmcilhinney

    Resolved Graphics in paint only?

    In a Windows Forms app, any drawing on controls should be done on the Paint event, yes. There is the option for drawing on an Image object, which can be done any time, and then displaying that Image in/on the control. The latter can be done by either assigning that Image to an appropriate...
  17. jmcilhinney

    Question what should look like?

    This site is dedicated to VB.NET development. The VS.NET forums are for questions relating to the VS IDE, which this question isn't. Does the issue have any relation to VB.NET development at all? It sems like this should have been asked in a dedicated Python forum.
  18. jmcilhinney

    Resolved Registry Function

    It doesn't seem to me that you could have debugged this code, because if you had then you would have seen that the initial call wasn't actually explicitly returning a value. The IDE almost certainly would have warned you that not all code paths return a value. You should not have ignored that...
  19. jmcilhinney

    Resolved Registry Function

    I don't know what that means. Please provide a FULL and CLEAR e4xplanation of the problem. Explain in detail EXACTLY what you expect to happen and what actually does happen.
  20. jmcilhinney

    Question Listbox is not working

    Please provide a FULL and CLEAR explanation of the problem. If you see nothing in your ListBox at run time then it's because you haven't added anything to it. We don't know what your code actually looks so we can't tell you what's wrong with it. For all we know, that line you mention isn't even...