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  • Users: swu
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  1. S

    Image file batch processing (Out of memory error)

    Does anyone have a sample code for batch processing image files. I have some rough code put together but I keep getting an out of memory error. Can anyone recommend an effecient way to do this? Thanks in advance.
  2. S

    Get path and exe file for process.

    I'm trying to get the path and exe file for a process. I'm trying the following with no sucess. app = pProcess.StartInfo.FileName and app = pProcess.MainModule.FileName.ToString Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  3. S

    Can't Combine Strings from ASCIIencoding.GetString

    From this code snipet: Dim image As Bitmap = New Bitmap("c:\test.jpg") Dim propItems As PropertyItem() = image.PropertyItems Dim encoding As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding() Camera = encoding.GetString(propItems(1).Value) MsgBox(Camera & " " & Camera) I...
  4. S

    Version Control Colaboration with multiple developers

    Are there any freeware or opensource solutions to assist with version control of code. We will be working over the internet, but could set up a VPN. Recommended best practices and recommnedations are welcomed. thanks in advance
  5. S

    GP4 image files

    Could gp4 image files be converted to other image formats using Thanks in advance.
  6. S

    Post data to a website (MySQL)?

    I need to get data from a to a webpage, where I want to be able to manipulate the data and display it online. My first thought is mysql. This process seems like a steep learning curve. Does anyone have any good sample code for connecting to a mysql Db? Thanks in advance.
  7. S

    detect a form name opened by another application.

    Does any one have a sample or a starting point for code that can detect when a form is opened by another app and read the name on the form? I want to create an app that runs in the sys tray and detects when another program opens a particular dialog box/form. Thanks in advance.
  8. S

    Modify multiple text boxes with sub

    I'm trying to modify multiple textboxes with a sub routine. This is a rough snipet I was testing, how do I set an object current via code? sub tboxmod() Dim n As Integer Dim Tname As String For n = 1 To 2 Tname = "TextBox" & n Dim TBox As TextBox Set TBox = Tname TBox.Text = "n" Next n End...
  9. S

    c# to application to control windows media player

    Could someone assist me in converting this code to, I tried some of the online converters but it isn't translating well. private System.Int32 iHandle; private void btnStop_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Win32.SendMessage(iHandle, Win32.WM_COMMAND, 0x00004979...
  10. S

    place textbox input handling code in a function?

    Could someone give me some direction/post a sample of how to handle user interaction with textboxes without having to cut and paste code for each text box? Basically I would like to create a few functions to handle testing and formatting of text box input by the user. I have the code for each...
  11. S

    Simple RSS Feed Reader

    I'm looking for some sample code that will create a simple rss reader. Anyone with some info to point me in the right direction. I just want the data to be visble on a form, maybe in a dropdown box. I'm not real familiar with databases, but maybe this is a good opportunity to learn. Thanks...
  12. S

    app to check for missing numerical files

    I have alot of files that contain a numeric in their file name that is sequential. i.e. file001.doc file002.doc, etc. I would like to write a app to check the directory and list any files missing from the sequence. I need help with what direction to start in. Thanks in advance! swu
  13. S

    Extend Object Model/Add functions to Objects

    Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving holiday! My question is basically how to ask my question. Being a newbe to .net I don't think I'm getting the terminology right. Basically I have an object model I'm working with that contains roadway alignments and profiles. I can access certain...
  14. S

    Problem with Interop Assembly . . .

    ...using tlbimp.exe? "The Type Library Importer utility (tlbimp.exe) is a command line tool that reads COM type information (typically contained in *.tlb, *.dll or *.exe files) and generates a corresponding .NET interop assembly." Here's my response: Re: .net interop with Land DT I tried...
  15. S

    Trial and error equation solving, what's most efficient?

    Anyone have any samples for trial and error solving. Basically I have two equations. I solve for the value of the first one and then use trial and error for a variable in the second one until it equals the solution of the first equation. A brute force in increments of 0.0001 gives me the...
  16. S

    Reading in data from a text file

    Is there a way to control which line the sr.readline reads? I can't seem to control which line it starts with. If I place an sr.readline in different locations it always seems to read the first line. my second question is if I have about 20 or 30 numbers to read in from a text file should I...
  17. S

    Code to allow user to browse to file folder

    I am looking for sample code to allow a user to browse to a file folder and then return the path of the folder to a text box. Thanks in advance. swu
  18. S

    Formatting decimal numbers for printing

    I'm using the following code to output to a textbox, which I then print from. Output.OutTB.AppendText(ControlChars.NewLine & "A: " & Aout & " ft") Output.OutTB.AppendText(ControlChars.NewLine & "B: " & Bout & " inches") Output.OutTB.AppendText(ControlChars.NewLine & "C: " & Cout & " mm") I'd...
  19. S

    Compare TextBox.backcolor with IF THEN Statement

    I'm having a problem comparing TextBox back color of two text boxes. will not let me compare them directly and I can't figure out how to set the color to a variable. If TextBoxA.BackColor <> System.Drawing.Color.Gray Then TextBoxB.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White...
  20. S

    Play mp3 soundeffect from std

    I'm looking for a simple way to play an mp3 from within an app. Any suggestions?