Search results for query: *

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    Question [2008] Different colors per line in a ListView

    Hi, I fixed your code and it's working good. If index Mod 2 = 0 Then
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    Question [2008] Different colors per line in a ListView

    Hi, I found a way to do it: For n As Integer = 0 To ListView.Items.Count - 1 ListView.Items.Item(n).BackColor = Color.Blue ListView.Items.Item(n).ForeColor = Color.Red Next For n As Integer = 0 To ListView.Items.Count - 1 Step 2...
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    Question [2008] Different colors per line in a ListView

    Hi, Thanks for your reply, but it's not working good. I believe that you do not tried it.
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    Question [2008] Different colors per line in a ListView

    Hi, Different color for each row, ForeColor and BackColor. Example: Row ForeColor= blue and BackColor= red Row ForeColor= red and BackColor= blue Row ForeColor= blue and BackColor= red Row ForeColor= red and BackColor= blue
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    Question [2008] Different colors per line in a ListView

    Hi, Different colors per line in a ListView How can I drew Different colors per line in a ListView ? Thanks in advance
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    Question [resolved] Printing text centralized to the width of the page

    Hi, I tried the next code and it is not printing in the center. Can you tell me whats wrong ? Private Sub PrintDocument2_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument2.PrintPage Dim MyText As String = "Hello...
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    Question [resolved] Printing text centralized to the width of the page

    Hi, VB2008 How do I print to the printer text that will be centralized to the width of the page ? Thanks in advance
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    Checking Hard Disk Serial Number

    ...Sub CheckHDSN() Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor Try Dim Searcher_P As New ManagementObjectSearcher("root\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMedia") For Each queryObj As ManagementObject In Searcher_P.Get() If...
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    [RESOLVED] e.HasMorePages don't work

    Hi, Thanks working good.
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    [RESOLVED] e.HasMorePages don't work

    Hi, When I'm doing e.HasMorePages to false it not stop to print.
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    [RESOLVED] e.HasMorePages don't work

    Hi, Can someone tell me why the e.HasMorePages = True in the code below don't work I need to print the word Aetek in a new page. Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage... e.Graphics.DrawString("Makor", DrawFont, DrawBrush, x, y, RTL_Alignment) e.HasMorePages = True...
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    How can I prevent from the user to print from PrintPreviewDialog

    Hi, Working great Thank you very much
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    How can I prevent from the user to print from PrintPreviewDialog

    Hi, Working great Thank you very much
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    How can I prevent from the user to print from PrintPreviewDialog

    Hi, Sorry I want that the user will print from another place (button), because the program needs to save some data before printing.
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    How can I prevent from the user to print from PrintPreviewDialog

    Hi, How can I prevent from the user to print from PrintPreviewDialog I am using the code below: Dim PPD As New PrintPreviewDialog PPD.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized PPD.Document = PrintDocument1 PPD.ShowDialog() When the PrintPreviewDialog show the...
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    [vb2008] Open a menu in MenuStrip

    Hi, Working great Thank you very much
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    [vb2008] Open a menu in MenuStrip

    Hi, I am using VB2008 I have menustrip and in it there is Filetoolstripmenuitem how can I open with code the Filetoolstripmenuitem? I tried with code: Filetoolstripmenuitem.performclick this do not open the Filetoolstripmenuitem. Any suggestions?
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    Multi pages printing

    Hi, Thank you, it's working good.