Search results for query: *

  1. C

    XML nodes ?

    Hiya, I'm slowly getting to grips with XML files and I'm trying to read a weather xml feed. I'm struggling with elements that are called the same (weather). I want to read bits into strings. OK, here's a copy of the xml -<data><request><type>LatLon</type><query>Lat -0.13 and Lon...
  2. C

    String as Variable name ?

    Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I'm writing a media frontend but have also coded in plugins. I would like the plugins to have access to variables within the main program by a simple function. The plugin sends the variable name and it's returned with it's value. I could write a select case for...
  3. C

    String as Variable name ?

    Hi, I've done some searching but can't get my head around how I would use a string as a variable name. So something like.... Dim a as string = "something here" Dim b as string = "a" msgbox var[b] This should output "something here" Thanks, Steve
  4. C

    Byte Array to string ?

    sorted it.. changed it to unicode format and then replaced all the space in the convert string with nothing :-) stringfound.Replace(Chr(0), String.Empty) Job done. thanks Steve
  5. C

    Byte Array to string ?

    Hi peeps.. I was wondering if someone could help me. I'm trying to read a byte array into a string however it's array is filling up from a dll in the following format...
  6. C

    Identify when another program makes sound ?

    bump.. Is there a watch I could do maybe on the mixer to identify this.. or maybe a watch on say if it starts to play a file. thanks
  7. C

    Identify when another program makes sound ?

    Hi peeps... I was wondering if it would be possible to monitor a programs audio output and identify when its on / off? I'm coding a carpc frontend and would like to mute the audio when the navigation program speaks directions. Any ideas would be great Thanks Steve
  8. C

    My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles Variable ?

    Many thanks FB.. got it sussed. I hadn't set my string as an array so was passing everything :-( Again thanks for the example as well, much appreciated.. learning all the time. Steve
  9. C

    My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles Variable ?

    ...String) = _ My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(drivepath, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.mp3") Does't work Dim Musicfiletypes as string = "*.mp3" Dim files As ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = _ My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(drivepath...
  10. C

    VB to conversion buffer string problem ?

    Just thought I would let you know I've got it working.. just incase others follow this is what I've done.. <System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("USBRadio.dll")> _ Function VB_GetRDSPS(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)> ByVal lpBuffer As Byte(), ByRef s As Int16) As Boolean End...
  11. C

    VB to conversion buffer string problem ?

    hiya, sorry completely lost me now :-(
  12. C

    VB to conversion buffer string problem ?

    Hi, many thanks for the reply.. I've tried to have a go at stringbuilder but I'm stuck on what to send. I've tried append but it just underlines it ... Public Function WVB_GetRDSPS() As String 'Dim sBuffer As String Dim sb As New StringBuilder(256) Dim iBufferLen...
  13. C

    VB to conversion buffer string problem ?

    Well.. I had problems with importing the DLL which worked fine in VB, so I'm using the below method Old VB.. Public Declare Function VB_GetRDSText Lib "USBRadio.dll" (ByVal sRDSBuffer As String, ByRef iRDSLenght As Integer) As Boolean VB.Net 2010...
  14. C

    VB to conversion buffer string problem ? get the rds name from it. The VB code for the function is ... Public Function WVB_GetModuleName() As String Dim sBuffer As String * 256 Dim iBufferLen As Integer Dim lRet As Long If (VB_GetModuleName(sBuffer, iBufferLen)) Then WVB_GetModuleName =...
  15. C

    control of master volume ?

    ...AudioEndpointVolumeNotificationDelegate(AddressOf OnVolumeNotification), data) Else Currentvolume = CInt(data.MasterVolume * 100) End If End Sub Private Sub SetVolume() device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar = Currentvolume / 100.0F...
  16. C

    control of master volume ?

    Thanks for the reply. I've downloaded the sample and added the dll to my folder / referenced it and also copied the code into a class named FormMasterVolume. However I'm getting afew errors. I'm using 2010 Express (just learning slowly) The errors are, Private Sub...
  17. C

    control of master volume ?

    Well.. I've looked and looked and can't seem to find a example of how to control windows 7 master volume. I would like to get the current volume / set the volume and also mute / unmute it. I've found lots of examples of pre vista volume control but only a single c# which is no good to me beings...
  18. C

    Can this code be speeded up ? Picturebox mask

    Public Function transpicture(ByVal pic As PictureBox) Dim x As Integer, y As Integer Dim bmp As New Bitmap(pic.Image) Dim gp As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath Dim mask As Color = bmp.GetPixel(0, 0) For x = 0 To bmp.Width - 1 For y =...
  19. C

    Event after form_resize

    ~Hi all.. fed up, how come you find handy code when you dont need it, and when you DO "can you find it !!!!" I'm after the event codes thats fired before and after a form_resize has taken place. I need to close a embedded program down at the start of the resize and then start it up at the end...
  20. C

    List com ports ?

    thanks m8 works a treat :-) so simple as well Cheers Steve