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  1. PatelNehal4u

    Question Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition

    as jackmac replied, i got Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition which have crystal report with it.
  2. PatelNehal4u

    Question Confusion in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard?

    Thanks everyone for helping me, thanks a lot. That help me a lot to learn.
  3. PatelNehal4u

    Question Confusion in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard?

    So you mean that GetData() will return me always a new DataTable and if I use DataSet through code i have to use GetData() method??? But I never used that method. Fill() method simply do all the work that I need, so why this GetData() method for?? Even I add DataSet in design(.xsd) no need to...
  4. PatelNehal4u

    Question Confusion in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard?

    Hello Everyone, I am new to and still learning Right now i am learning and use of it with windows forms. But now i am confused with one method in tableadapter configuration wizard, which is created at second last step of wizard. In wizard it create two methods : 1. Fill...
  5. PatelNehal4u

    Question Correct me if i am wrong in Data Insert

    ...Try con = New OleDbConnection(connectionstring) con.Open() da.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Customer", con) da.Fill(ds) Catch ex As Exception Response.Write(ex.ToString) Finally...
  6. PatelNehal4u

    Question How to print Gridview

    but my question is still unanswered.... Please someone help.
  7. PatelNehal4u

    Question How to print Gridview

    ok thanks for correcting me, its my mistake...
  8. PatelNehal4u

    Question How to print Gridview

    Thanks Mr. jmcilhinney Thanks for answering me and telling me the difference between both but i already know about this. And my question is correct. I post this question in Window Form Section and that's why my question is also related to Window Form. I am using DataGridView in my Windows...
  9. PatelNehal4u

    Question How to print Gridview

    Hello Everyone. I had created a form which display all the record of Employees in a DataGridView control, now i want to print that gridview as it looks on form. I mean if i put any column in ascending or descending order that it should be applied on printing form. I don't want to create any...
  10. PatelNehal4u

    Dynamic Contrl Generation Problem

    Hello Everyone, I am new to and i had created a form with a button, which create a new button dynamically, i bind that button with an event but when i press newly created button it again got deleted and no response from it. Here is the coding. Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender...
  11. PatelNehal4u

    How to get report path.

    Thanks for answering, but if i store the path of report folder in Application.settings like ; ReportPath = "C:\MyApplication\Reports" So when i deploy the application on client machine and if i put the reports in D:\MyApplication\Reports so how can i dynamically change the Application...
  12. PatelNehal4u

    How to get report path.

    Hello Everyone, I had created an application named "WindowsApplication1" and created forms in it "Form1" & "Form2", now from just call the form2 and form2 contain a crystalreportviewer1 tool. Now my application also contain a crystalreport which i want to load in crystalreportviewer1 from...
  13. PatelNehal4u

    Parent Child Form

    Thank you very much, it really solved my problem. Thanks a lot again.
  14. PatelNehal4u

    Parent Child Form

    I have two form, Form1 and Form2. Form1 have a button button1 which call the Form2 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim frm2 As New Form2 frm2.Show() End Sub Now if i close Form1 it will also close...
  15. PatelNehal4u

    Print File by using printing tools

    i got it, I have to set the printdocument1.documentname property with the file which i am opening from my open dialog box.
  16. PatelNehal4u

    Print File by using printing tools

    I have a richtextbox tool which manage the current .rtf file. Now i want to print that file which is open in richtextbox1, so how can i inform the printdocument1 tool in BeginPrint event that you have to print file, which is open in richtextbox1 tool???
  17. PatelNehal4u

    Print File by using printing tools

    Hello Friends, I am new to this, so i installed visual studio 2008, i am learning use of dialog boxes. I created a form which maintain a .rtf file, now i want to print that file on printer using visual studio's various tools like, printdocument, printdialog and pagesetupdialog. Now i code the...
  18. PatelNehal4u

    Question Passing Parameter between forms

    :confused:I had two forms, first forms shows all the task details in a list and user select any task and the second form shows the details of that task in edit mode so user can edit the record, now i don't know how to pass the Task_ID of selected item from form1 to form2.
  19. PatelNehal4u

    How to handle form load.

    I had created a form(MDI Child) which have 3 to 4 dataset on it. They all are loaded from the database at the form load event and therefore takes too much time to load and show some part of form during that time. When it load completely it shows the whole form. Is there any way that user will...
  20. PatelNehal4u

    Question listview in Panel Problem

    Yes, its working as my requirement, thankx a lot.