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  1. F

    Question Need help with "Remember Me" Button

    that's a good point you brought up. I too have used the My.Settings to store a password before, well, i encrypt it first, but the encrypted text is still stored in the user config file. How would you have implemented it, or what would you suggest?
  2. F

    Question Need help with "Remember Me" Button

    How are you closing the form? Are you using the Hide method like shown in your previous post? Use the Close method to close it, also if you are closing the starting form and opening another form, make sure that in your Project Properties under that Applications tab you have the 'Close on last...
  3. F

    Question Need help with "Remember Me" Button

    To save the settings that you have set, make sure that you are either: calling My.Settings.Save() or you have the "Save My.Settings on Shutdown" in the Project Properties checked (under Application). And if you have "Save My.Settings on Shutdown" checked already, make sure your application is...
  4. F

    reset a chart

    I'm assuming you are talking about the System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart control?, and that you are setting the data by using the DataSource property? If i'm not mistaken, can't you just change the datasource and then call the DataBind method to use a different set of data...
  5. F

    DragDrop on custom Button class

    The code you posted here should work just fine, i did a quick test and it appears to work as well... whatever that is causing the event to not be raised is most likely somewhere else in your code...
  6. F

    error message when pressing save button

    From the screen shot you provided, the error should be exactly as shown "InvalidCastException". The item that you have in ApacheCheckedListBox.CheckedItems(0) contains a string value of "mod_alias". You are trying to cast it to a Boolean type implicitly since in the If block you are comparing...
  7. F

    Question need help with functions plzz :D

    according to your code, decod is declared as a sub, not a function. Which in your button you called a sub or Subroutine does not return a value. However a Function does, if you called decod1 or decod2 instead you will have a value returned. As Menthos noted, check the object types that your...
  8. F

    rename all files?

    something like this maybe? Dim directoryLocation As String = "C:\yourDirectory\" Dim files = New IO.DirectoryInfo(directoryLocation).GetFiles() For Each file In files file.MoveTo(File.FullName.Replace("12345678_", "")) Next you may want to add a...
  9. F

    Question What's wrong with my program?

    ok. so wait does that mean something like this: using your numbers it would be: a = 3 Const = 6 a + ar + ar^2 + .... 3, 3*6=18, 3*(6^2)=108, ... 3, 18, 108 3+18+108= 129 if so, then the above solution gets some numbers, but they are the wrong numbers. your going to have to go through the...
  10. F

    Question What's wrong with my program?

    oo, btw, is that the output your looking for? What exactly is the formula that your trying to use? and what is the correct output?
  11. F

    Question What's wrong with my program?

    remove the countI+= 1 in your first if clause. and change the type of the array and temp to Long If countI = 1 Then array(countI - 1) = startPoint Console.Write(array(0) & ",") 'countI += 1 and you should get this as your output...
  12. F

    Question What's wrong with my program?

    it looks like you have some other logical errors. Do you know how to debug? I'm assuming your probably using Visual Studio 2008/2010? Set a breakpoint and run through the code step by step if you need. If you can't figure it out let me know about the posting...
  13. F

    Question What's wrong with my program?

    you got "30" because of this statement temp = (array(count - 1) * (4 ^ count)) the first time u go through your loop you set array(0) = 3, then the second time around you did this temp = (array(count - 1) * (4 ^ count)) temp = (array(1) * (4 ^...
  14. F

    Question Selecting field and then displaying results from the Comma delimited text

    Here's two approaches you can try? *i used a listbox in these examples, but you get the idea. 1)If your using .net 3.5/4 you could do something like this with linq: Private fileFullPath As String = Environment.CurrentDirectory & "\data.txt" Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As...
  15. F

    need to copy files

    I don't have much experience working with excel files, but check out How to automate Excel from Visual Basic .NET to fill or to obtain data in a range by using arrays and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace () for some information on opening an excel file from after you figure out...
  16. F

    Question How to get selected section from a Date Time Picker Control?

    Thanks for the reply jmcilhinney, really wished there was a simple way... guess i'd have to look for a third party control or develop one on my own if i ever need that feature again, kinda just came up with a work around for the project i needed that for.
  17. F

    FYI How to modify 'Recent Projects' on default 'Start Page'

    I searched all over the place for this and i finally found a way to edit the recent project items on the start page. Sadly it's a really manual method, if anyone knows of a better method please share. credit for finding the location goes to whoever wrote this post: Clear your Visual Studio...
  18. F

    Load array with NumericUpDown values

    you can get the items from the forms control collection and add it to an collection/array/list/etc... here's a quick example Private numbers As New List(Of Decimal) Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load For Each...
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    Visible textbox after a while

    another option, if you don't already have a textbox in your form, is to add it to the forms controls collection after the timer goes off. ex: Public Class Form1 Private WithEvents t As New Timer With {.Interval = 3000} Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As...
  20. F

    My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles Variable ?

    ...of the patterns you want to search for. Ex: Dim path As String = "F:\Movies\New folder\" Dim searchPattern As String() = {"*.mkv", "*.avi", "*.mp4"} Dim files As ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = _ My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(path...