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    Instead of using only image name to get image , you have to pass path of the located image file to html page and use Server.Mappath to display image. Ex:
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    Javascript Error: Object Required: ASP.NET

    Javascript is case sensitive. In your code you used onclick="javascript:selectallrow(this.Id);" but there is an id with ‘ID’ in capital letters. So,you have to use onclick="javascript:selectallrow(this.ID);".
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    Send Multiple POST() Requests

    By leveraging the .NET Framework's parallel libraries, you can speed up your process by having multiple similar tasks execute in parallel. There aren't any special actions that need to be performed, but there are some considerations: You may get blocked if you make too many requests too...
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    Gridview help with sorting

    The following example demonstrates how to use the AllowSorting property to enable sorting in a GridView control when automatically generated columns are used. The following example demonstrates how to use the AllowSorting property to enable sorting in a GridView control when a Columns...
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    Javascript Syntax for ASP.Net DropDown List Value

    Without a valid dom jQuery cannot work correctly with the selectors. Just use the selectedIndex property of the DOM element:
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    How do I sorting in a gridview, cant get it to work

    The following example demonstrates how to use the AllowSorting property to enable sorting in a GridView control when automatically generated columns are used. The following example demonstrates how to use the AllowSorting property to enable sorting in a Gridview control when a Columns...
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    Export <templatefield to Excel

    GridView with BoundField or TemplateField with Label can be exported easily and also displays properly. Problem occurs when the GridView with TemplateField Column contains controls like HyperLink, TextBox, Button, LinkButton, RadioButton or CheckBox controls. When such case occurs we need to...
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    Crystal Reports asking for logon

    You should be able to manually code the login credentials.Ex:
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    How to trigger on-click of hyperlink inside dataList

    You can use OnItemDataBound event for this. Example:
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    Send for testing

    You can publish your web application to some test server, so you and your client both could do testing of your site and make appropriate changes to your application.
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    Creating virtual directory alias

    (i)Make sure that the user account that the server is running under has permissions to access that directory. (ii)When using "~" in a file path, make sure that the current application deployment believes the root directory is the same as it was before. (iii)Open IIS, right-click on the...
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    Question runtime error when run a webform with a validator

    If you want to solve the IE11 issue, please install the hotfix below. - NDP 4 - Win7SP1/Win2K3SP2/Win2K8R2SP1/Win2K8SP2/VistaSP2/WinXPSP3 - NDP 3.5 SP1 - Win2K3SP2/Win2K8SP2/VistaSP2/WinXPSP3...
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    Question problem with compare validator

    You have to use required field validator and compare validator both for the confirm password input.So,if the user leave text box empty it shows required field validation and if user enter different value than the password field it shows password not matched validation.
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    Suggestions for Multiple File Upload

    It is not clear from your post that which type of multiple files you want to upload, but if you are working with multiple image files then I suggest to use Dropzone. DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag and drop file uploads with image previews.
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    How can i exclude .aspx file from url rewrite ? not want to perform the redirection to HTTPS as extra conditions ,like so: <rule name="Force HTTPS" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="(.*)" /> <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll"> <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" ignoreCase="true" /> <add...
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    How to create web modules?

    Steps for creating Web Module ?> 1. From any perspective, click File > New > Project > Web > Dynamic Web Project ... then click next. 2. In the New Web Module wizard, enter the Project Name of 'WebProject'. 3. Click Next to go to Select Project Facets Page. You can install additional factets...
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    File created on server but not opening on client using IE if file size > 4mb

    A simple thing that could fix it is to set the default PDF reader to the ?Reader? app provided in Windows 8, 8.1 or any other third-party PDF reader of your choice. This will solve the problem. But if it doesn?t, then you can try this registry fix to solve up this issue: 1. Press Windows Key...
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    Question How to post from a gridview

    Just pass the input element ID in onclick() event like this: <input type="submit" name="ctl00$MainContent$GridView3$ctl02$Button1" value="..." onclick="navigate(" id="..."/> or you can pass element itself : <input type="submit" name="ctl00$MainContent$GridView3$ctl02$Button1"...
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    Question Button onclick event

    To do this add the control to the table cell. You need to call the Controls.Add method on the cell and add your control. It would be like this : Button b = new Button(); b.Text = "Some Button"; b.Click += new EventHandler(b_Click); cell.Controls.Add(b); You can write your click event in...
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    How does localhost get its ID number in

    It is randomly generated port number on which your development server is listening. Default port number for IIS is 80. However you can also set it manually if you like, method for this is given below :