Search results for query: *

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  1. B

    Change text color based on other boxes color

    Hi - i have a table of data, and have put some conditional formatting on the description field. i.e. if description = "impact", the text goes red... if {FinalReport.description} = "Impact Rating" then crRed else if {FinalReport.description} = "Period QPI" then crRed Now can i change other...
  2. B

    Change query in access for mail merge

    Hi i have set up a mail merge document, and set the datasource to a query in my access 97 database. This works fine. The problem is that i need to change a parameter in the query, based on what record the user is currently looking at. So i need to change the carNo = 1 part of my SQL :-...
  3. B

    send data into microsoft word template

    Hi, Can anyone give me some information on what technique is best for sending data from a form (or a dataset which i will put the data into) into microsoft word? I need to set up a template so that the correct information is displayed next to it's template label. Any guidence and/or tutorial...
  4. B

    Multiple select statement

    Hi, At the moment i have 13 seperate statements selecting a count of records depending on the criteria dates. A few are shown below:- SELECT count(impactID) as period1 FROM tblBaseData WHERE iyear = 2005 AND iperiod = 9 AND impactId = 1 SELECT count(impactID) as period1 FROM tblBaseData...
  5. B

    sort column in datagrid asc...

    hi i have a datagrid all set up, i just need to know how to sort on one of the columns, for example supplierName... I've put my code below to show you how i have it set up. Cheers, al dtAudits = ds.Tables("audits") ' present data With dgAudits...
  6. B

    dateTimePicker - change time

    Hi, I am using a dateTimePicker to select dates so that they can be used in criteria for a query. The problem i'm having is that when i select a date, the current time comes with it, so when searching on the database if a record has say inserted with a date of 01/01/2006 12:04:33, i may search...
  7. B

    change txtbox format to hh:mm:ss

    Hi, i need to change a normal textbox to a hh:mm:ss time format so that a time is entered correctly. Have got an access table behind the scenes... I have tried this but it doesn't do a lot! txtTimeLost.Text.Format("hh:mm:ss") Any help/ideas much apreciated, Al
  8. B

    @identity to get last entered ID

    Can i do this sql statement? sql2 = "INSERT INTO tblmaterialSupplier (materialId, SupplierID) values (SELECT @@identity FROM tblmaterials, '" & intSuppId & "')" I can't get this sql to work - i need to get the last enetered materialId from my materials table... Alex
  9. B

    Dataset Error - non object reference

    Hi, i tried using your method - couldn't get it to work I have tried this and it also doent work as it says object reference not instance of object on the top line:- Private Sub NavigateRecords() txtUsername.Text = ds.Tables("Users").Rows(inc).Item("LoginName")...
  10. B

    make use of dataset, bind to controls and scroll

    Hi i have created a dataset of users as shown below:- Public Sub createDataset() Dim ds As New DataSet("Users") Dim strConn, strSQL As String strConn = carDba.getCn strSQL = "SELECT UserId, LoginName, LoginPassword, userLevelId, fullName " & _...
  11. B

    Move through dataset and assign to form this would work, do i need a for each loop? very unsure of syntax for this... Public Sub selectRecords() Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM tblCar" Dim conn As OleDbConnection = carDba.getCn Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(sql, conn)...
  12. B

    Ad-hoc query build in app by user

    ...Public Sub PopulateLists(ByVal strTable As String, ByVal lstControl As ListBox) ds = New DataSet da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM " + strTable, conn) da.Fill(ds, strTable) lstControl.DataSource = ds.Tables(0) lstControl.ValueMember =...
  13. B

    me.close don't work?

    ok cool, i'll take all that on board and post back what ive come up with. There is one thing that should be well easy but i cant get it to work. Ive tried using me.close in various places to close the login form when the user has logged in and the main form has opened but it doesn't seem to...
  14. B

    calculate no of days from 2 dates

    Public Sub calculateDays() ' Calendar Days Dim dtpDateCarSent As New DateTime Dim dtpDateClosed As New DateTime Dim dys As Integer = dtpDateClosed.Date.Subtract(dtpDateCarSent.Date).Days End Sub Hi, im trying to use the above code but it isnt working... I...
  15. B

    mdi form wont open in mdi

    hi, i am trying to develop an mdi style system so that one parent form holds all child forms. I think i have set up the mdi form correctly, but i cant get some forms to open inside the mdi. for instance i have a main menu form that does open in the mdi, which has buttons on it which i want...
  16. B

    Form Validation

    Hi, I need to validate my form so that when a user tries to insert a record, certain fields must be completed. If a field isn't filled, i need the label next to it to be highlighted red. I think i'm nearly there but it isnt working quite how i'd like. At the mo, it does the first if, then...
  17. B

    User Login - keeping hold of details through system

    Hi, ihave a simple login page. This works fine, but what i need to do is store the userID that is being selected in the Stored Procedure so that i can use it throughout the rest if the system. The reason i need it is so when a user logs onto a new page, their name is displayed somewhere on the...
  18. B

    Datasets and comboboxes

    Hello all, I know this topic has been covered numerous times, but every Q doesn't start from the begining. I simply have a form with a combobox on (cboSupplier) I want to fill it with supplier name from my Access table (tblSupplier) taking the supplierID and supplierName.... Now i get...
  19. B

    display image - source stored in database

    Hi i have a table tbl_part which includes an attribute imagelocation. this stores the path to where my image is stored. i am pulling a dataset of this table, and want to display the image depending on what the path is i have done this before in access, where i used this code...
  20. B

    Send variable through to new form

    Now before anyone says anything, i have searched the other posts on this site but i still can't get what i'm trying to do to work, so i have to post my particular problem! I cannot get a variable i have set in frmLoginScreen to pass through to my mdi form. I have tried the following methods -...