Search results for query: *

  1. J

    FindControl RangeValidator

    I have a RngeControl within a FormView within a Panel which FindControl does not seam to be able to find. The FormView is exposed just find and othe r controls on the FormView are found with the FindControl. Has anyone had a similar issue of not finding a RangeValidator with FindControl?:confused:
  2. J

    Running a web service as a batch job?

    I am trying to run a web service in a batch mode using a http request but cannot find a good code sample of how to accomplish the task. If anyone has ever written such code I would greatly appreciate a sample of the code.
  3. J

    XML Error?

    I have now run into a new issue, the following is the last of the XML document. Not all records are bing displayed:
  4. J

    XML Error?

    Thanks John that did it. You just can't depend on these books samples.
  5. J

    XML Error?

    ...AsNew SqlConnection("Integrated Security=True;" & _ "Server=PSA607;" & _ "Initial Catalog=Pubs") Dim MyCommand AsNew SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Employee", Connection) Dim dsEmployee AsNew DataSet MyCommand.Fill(dsEmployee, "Employee") Dim XmlDoc As XmlDataDocument = New...
  6. J

    XML Error?

    Hello All, I am attempting to create my first XML document just as a proof of concept and have run into an error I cannot figure out. If anyone has a answer to this error I would greatly appreciate it. The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please...
  7. J

    Set focus to Textbox when page starts?

    Thank you again John. The code snippet in beansoftware did the trick: Page.RegisterStartupScript("SetFocus", _ "<script>document.getElementById('" & txtUserID.ClientID & _ "').focus();</script>") Thanks once again for you help.
  8. J

    Set focus to Textbox when page starts?

    Thank you for your response John. I tried your code but did not get the desired result. Perhaps I have posed the question incorrectly, what I mean by focus is I want the cursor to be positioned in the first text box (ie. txtUserID) when the page first displays, so the user does not have to tab...
  9. J

    Set focus to Textbox when page starts?

    Hello all, I am very new to web development and Visual Studio so I have not discoverd how to perform a lot of web app features as of yet. My question is how do I set focus to the first input textbox of a web page when it first displays?:confused: Thank you in advance for any input.
  10. J

    Multiple Global.asax files

    I have multiple global.asax files which contain an application variable which identifies an AS/400 library used in my SQL's. Each global file designates either a TEST library, Demo library or Production library. When I have deployed the application to the respective servers I change the...
  11. J

    Need to manipilate datagrid values before being displayed.

    I have a datagrid of vehicle mkae, model and options. The options column for certain models be the same text as the model. I want to assign blanks to the options value when it is the same as the model value. Does anyone have any sugestions of how I might go about achieving this?
  12. J

    SQL0301 - Input host variable

    ERROR [HY000] [IBM][Client Access Express ODBC Driver (32-bit)][DB2/400 SQL]SQL0301 - Input host variable ICZRNU Does anyone know what causes this error?
  13. J

    Not finding the record

    Yes, I was able to get the data. Thank you once again.
  14. J

    Empty data grid

    I have run a SQL then filled a data set which returns a none zero rows affected then I am binding the data set to a data grid. The data grid is only giving me my column headings. Is there something I could look at to detrermine why I am getting the emty data grid?
  15. J

    One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique or foreign-key contraints.

    I am trying to perform a data adapter fill and get this message. The record in the data source exists and it is a unique keyed record so I can't find the issue with the application. Any help would be appreciated. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  16. J

    Installation Interrupted

    Hello all, I am trying to re-install a new web application and keep getting the following attached message: Any help would be appreciated.
  17. J

    Not finding the record

    Thank you for your suggestions. All have worked except Response.Write which I am sure is due to the fact that this code resides in a Component. Thank you all for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
  18. J

    Not finding the record

    Thank you for your response TPM. I have made your suggested changes and received the same results. We use ODBC because the data source resides on an AS/400. This SQL is one of many in this form and all other work correctly. Why this one is not retrieveing the data is a mystery to me.
  19. J

    Not finding the record

    ...OdbcDataAdapter1.Fill(dSet) intCnt = 0 Do strCoId = CStr(DataBinder.Eval(dSet, _ "Tables[SCDLRP].DefaultView.0].ACADCD")) intCnt = intCnt + 1 LoopWhile Trim(strCoId) = "" And intCnt < 1000 If strCoId = "" Then strCoId = "***" EndIf
  20. J


    I ahve been able to get around this issue by removing the specific field selections and specifying SELECT *. Thank you,