Search results for query: *

  1. R

    Delete A Particular DataRow

    Is there any alternative i want the For...loop continues until end of the record? But once the system delete a particular rows, it will return an error message. May i know how to solve it? Thank you.
  2. R

    Delete A Particular DataRow

    How to delete a particular DataRow when it meets a condition? The following code will check through the Row but i don't know how to specify the current row, which is needed to be deleted. Dim DRow As DataRow For Each DRow In Employee.Rows If (DRow("emp_no") = "1") Then 'Delete the row...
  3. R

    Grant Security Privilege To User

    After the user logins with his account, privilege will be granted according to the user's role. And from there, it will limit their right on viewing reports and performing database transactions. May i know how to implement this idea into system development? Thank you.
  4. R

    Download Crystal Report Tool For Visual Studio 2005

    I have Visual Studio 2005 installed in my computer but i realized that the crystal report is not there. May i know where can i download the crystal report tool that supports Visual Studio 2005? Thank you.
  5. R

    DataTable For Report

    I have made used of the dataset to generate report. Now i want to generate a department report, the content of the report includes department name, location as well as the monthly revenue of each and every department. The sum of revenue can be generated by summing a few different type of...
  6. R

    How To Retrieve ComboBox Item With Index

    May i know how to retrieve combobox item with index? Thank you.
  7. R

    Crystal Report Coding Problem

    ...Dim DataTable_Emp_Profile AsNew DataSet1.Emp_ProfileDataTable DataSet1.Tables.Add(DataTable_Emp_Profile) Local_Global_SQLSTRING = "SELECT * FROM Emp_Profile WHERE emp_no='" & DataGridView1.Item(0, DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index).Value.ToString & "'" Dim DAdapter1 As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter =...
  8. R

    DGV - clear the default selection on first row?

    I used the following to clear the default selection on row but when i executed the application, the first row of the DataGridView was still selected. I want nothing to be selected when the form is loaded. May i know how to do it? Thank you. If DataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0 Then...
  9. R

    DataGridView column styles?

    I tried the following to change the fontstyle of a particular column but it didn't work. Thank you. Column.DefaultCellStyle.Font.Style = FontStyle.Bold
  10. R

    Crystal Report Coding Problem

    I tried to generate the report with dataset. I have already established the connection between crystal report and database and drag relevant fields of some tables. When i come to join on tables, why some of the fields of the table are missing and actually they are the fields needed for join...
  11. R

    DataGridView column styles?

    DataGridView1.Columns(0).DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Indigo doesn't change the font color, i think the reason is because it is a LinkColumn, i have tried the same for TextBoxColumn and it worked well. May i know how to set the color for LinkColumn? Thank you.
  12. R

    Add DateTimePicker In DataGridView

    ...PrivateSub Form10_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load Dim Table_Name AsString SQLSTRING = "SELECT * FROM Requisition WHERE delete_status='No' AND badge_no='R000001'" DAdapter1 = New SqlDataAdapter(SQLSTRING, SQLConnection1) Table_Name =...
  13. R

    SQL command For Not Null Value Field

    What is the command for selecting a record with not null value on particuler field? I have tried to achieve the following OleDbCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT DATALENGTH(portrait), portrait FROM Emp_Profile WHERE delete_status='No' AND emp_no='" & emp_no_search_string & "' AND NOT NULL(portrait)"
  14. R

    Crystal Report Coding Problem

    Now i am able to display the data from the dataset. First, i select which table i am going to make use under database expert and then you can drag any data field of that table you want to display from Field Explorer. Apart from that, i coded the SQL query which retrieves the appropriate data and...
  15. R

    Crystal Report Coding Problem

    ...= New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) CrystalReportViewer1.Name = "CrystalReportViewer1" Dim QueryString AsString = "select * from Emp_Profile WHERE emp_no='E00001'"'Your Query here Dim Con AsString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source= USER\SQLEXPRESS; Database=UserDatabase; UID=sa ; PWD=sa;" Dim...
  16. R

    Crystal Report Reference Problem

    The crystal report part that i have completed in company cannot be executed at home, i think the problem is because of the reference of crystal report not found. So i checked the References under My Project, the path information are displayed as "The system cannot find the references specified"...
  17. R

    menu on DataGridView?

    How to right click on any row of databagridview and call a menu which consists of delete and update? Thank you.
  18. R

    Crystal Report Coding Problem

    I understand but how to create a crystal report and save in a specified location. I want to do something like this, when the user select a row of the datagridview and press print, it will generate report and allow user to print the report of that selected employee. Now what i have done is only...
  19. R

    Multi User Application Database Transaction Stability

    I make use of the SQL Server.
  20. R

    Multi User Application Database Transaction Stability

    Is that what you meant i can't generate the primary key for them? However this is part of user requirements, for example they need the emp no. to be E00001 and so on. So the system will just count the record stored in the database in order to generate an unique primary key. When the user delete...