Search results for query: *

  1. B

    Deleting a row in DataGrid from database (help!)

    no thanks, i rather figure it out and learn.
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    Deleting a row in DataGrid from database (help!)

    I'm using a Oledatadapter to fill a dataset and displaying my ms access records via a datagrid. Anybody is familiar on how to 1. Allow a user to select a Datagrid row and click on a button "btnDelete" the row will be deleted from the database? Each row has a unique column called 'ID'. any...
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    Dataview & Relationships

    Question: Do i have to create it for all my related tables? How do i know which is parent, which is child? What do i do after i create the relationships? In summary, if i have 8 tables, i create 8 data-adapters for 8 tables and put all of them into a dataset? Then type 8 times of...
  4. B

    problems with multiple related tables on a datagrid

    how do i put person_id into tb1 as a foreign field? ok after i use the select statement in my data adapter, i run 'da.fill(ds)' next how do i put input this dataset 'ds' into my datagrid
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    problems with multiple related tables on a datagrid

    codes Private Sub frmResults_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'da1 is a data adapter that has 2 tables: tb1 & tb2 'i used to drag the oledbdataadapter to select fields using sql query builder 'the datagrid will show eg...
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    problems with multiple related tables on a datagrid

    my datagrid displays a dataset with no problem when it has 2 tables, however when i add more related tables, it doesnt display any values at all, any idea? i'm using the 2003 data adapter to add the tables. after i added the tables, they are displayed out with relationships shown. then i...
  7. B

    Datagrid OnClick event to display row's data to another form2

    Hi, I'm using a data adapter 'da1' to fill a dataset 'ds1' which is used to display data in a datagrid 'dg'. How do I code datagrid OnClick event on whichever row the user click on the datagrid, to cause a new form2 to popup with textboxes to display the selected row's data and allow the...
  8. B

    Dataview & Relationships

    Hi, How do i input 2 related tables' fields into a dataview which is displayed on a datagrid, choosing the fields (columns) i want to display, anyone knows or have any examples? Table1: ID, Name, Age, Sex, Job Table2: ID, JobName, Salary For example, I created a relationship "Table1Table2"...
  9. B

    Updating txtQuantity Textbox in a Repeater

    I created a repeater to display my data inside a dataTable of Session("Cart") however i have a problem. I do not know how to to update the Quantity displayed in a txtQuantity. How do i code a 'btnUpdate' so that it will read the txtQuantity and update each row of item's quantity according...
  10. B

    displaying data from MS access .mdb database

    thanks, what if the user is allowed to update the Name, by putting a textbox inside, how can it be updated? <AlternatingItemTemplate> <trbgcolor="lightyellow"> <td><asp:Textbox id=Firstname Text=<%#Container.DataItem("Firstname")%></td> <td><asp:Textbox id=Lastname...
  11. B

    Creating Data Relationships between Tables

    I got the relationships setup. however the second listbox doesnt display what i wanted. dataAdapt = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * from Table1", oledbCon) dataAdapt.Fill(Dataset, "Table1") dataAdapt.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * from Table2", oledbCon) dataAdapt.Fill(Dataset...
  12. B

    Creating Data Relationships between Tables

    i have 2 tables tblCustomers and tblTransactions, how do i code a data relationship between them. have created a dataset and data adapter. say their common field is 'ID'. how do ensure also when the data is updated, it is updated into the proper tables.
  13. B

    validating a file using OFD

    ...Sub btnFileOpen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFileOpen.Click ofdFile.Filter = "txt Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*" ofdFile.DefaultExt = "txt" If ofdFile.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.Cancel Then...
  14. B

    HP bills calculator

    i have finished coding a HP bills calculator that reads the user's mobile hp usage from a .txt file, and displays it on the screen with respect to the plans he subscribed to. i was told to add in an extra function that may give the company a good boost.. any recommendations?
  15. B

    Validate USERID convention

    hi, how do i validate a userid to ensure they are 3 uppercase digits followed by 6 digitals, otherwise it will reject it. ABC123456 - OK abc123456 -NOT OK ab12345 -NOT OK 12abc -NOT OK I'm thinking of using substring to test for the 6 digits to ensure it is between 1-999999, not sure if that...
  16. B

    ASP .Net VB adding items on repeated region.

    i used a repeater region to display my products from a MS access db, what codes should i add to allow a button to add this item to the shopping cart? help appreciated, thanks. DB: MS Access 2000 App: Dreamweaver MX 2004 Type: ASP .Net VB <ASP:Repeater...
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    Validation & asp:button

    Hi, I would like to do validation on my .aspx , however the form tags are <input type=""> html based, therefore how can i do validation on the server side(already have javascript validation) since asp: requiredvalidator only works on asp:tags Next, i have another form on asp tags, how...
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    Creating ASP. NET Shopping Cart on DWMX

    ...DatabaseType='<%# System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("MM_CONNECTION_DATABASETYPE_connSoftwares") %>' CommandText='<%# "SELECT * FROM Products_Items WHERE product_id LIKE ?" %>' CurrentPage='<%# IIf((Request.QueryString("dsProducts_CurrentPage") <> Nothing)...
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    ASP.NET VB on Dreamweaver for User Registration

    Hi I'm having these errors when on the user registration form i created and it gives these errors: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Operation must use an updateable query. at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextErrorHandling(Int32 hr) at...
  20. B

    How to display Datasets in Dreamweaver MX

    Hi, I have a MS access database of product's table namely with fields imagefile, product_id, name, cost and 4 different products added. I created a table 2 rows 2 cols in products.aspx, i have the database connected, datasets up and i wish to display the 4 products into this 2 row 2 col table...