Search results for query: *

  1. JaedenRuiner

    Multi Table Editing with Constraints

    ...and the like, the majority of the time I find my self writing my own handlers for such things as opposed to working the way .Net wants me to. *chuckle* yes, i have control issues. Anyway, so i've got a very basic database, three tables, and a stored proc. The three tables are constrained...
  2. JaedenRuiner

    Registering Custom Tool for File Generation

    Well, I seriously have reviewed as many examples as possible for the installation of a Custom File Generator into the Visual Basic environment and thus far, I have not been able to get it to work. At the moment, my generator doesn't really do anything...Debugging and learning, you see...
  3. JaedenRuiner

    Registry Hives...Parsing?

    Just wondering, in case it already exists somewhere but built into the .Net framework we have: Microsoft.Win32.Registry Class Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey Class Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive Enumeration As well as the. My.Computer.Registry .CurrentUser .LocalMachine Etcetera. Now, If I...
  4. JaedenRuiner

    Project Template Awareness for Auto-Generated Code?

    Well, In the process of changing some things and developing others, I am curious about the nature of the Code Generator. Simply put: How does the Code Generator know which template was used for the creation of the Project? Example: I create a full Project Template that modifies come of the...
  5. JaedenRuiner

    My Settings Save Issues

    Well, I'm placing this here because well, every time I place something in the General it gets moved, so I'm trying to guess which category this fits into. It is sort of deployment, but my problem isn't on the the deploying side but the generate My.Settings stuff, but regardless this is the...
  6. JaedenRuiner

    Retrieving Assembly Info "GUID" at Run Time

    I have the need to retrieve the GUID that is listed in the "Assembly Info" page of the Project Properties. How can I get this data at run-time? Thanks (I've looked in the My.Application.Info, but it isn't in there that I can see)
  7. JaedenRuiner

    General Question, Compiler Intelligence

    Given the nature of Assemblies versus "units" or "include files" I am wondering about the intelligence, or better yet the design of the VB.Net compiler. Given the situation of Pascal or C++, for instance, I can have a repository C:\Source\Include which contains all my .h/.cpp or .pas files...
  8. JaedenRuiner

    FileVersion Information...

    Is there any way to instill file version information to files other than executables or dll's? Or perhaps a simplistic way to access the Summary Information that is visible through Windows explorer. Reason: Version control of help (chm) files and other data files that are included with the...
  9. JaedenRuiner

    Strong Name Interpretation

    Well, When you use the sn.exe tool it creates an SNK file, which you can use for a strong name key file of an assembly. By using the SNK file you can also have that strong name key file built into a ILMerged assembly executable, should it be prudent to do so. Now, for the process of...
  10. JaedenRuiner

    My.Resources and Threading..

    How can I make the My.Resources module thread static? They are all constants, never going to be changed, and frankly they can't be changed. all my resource strings are Readonly Properties, but for some reason (and I'm sure there is one) I cannot access my.Resources from within a worker thread...
  11. JaedenRuiner

    Just an idle Comment...isn't MS annoying sometimes?

    ...while, Microsoft had one made and ready to go, but being annoying they've hid it in such a manner that it will never be used by anyone but them. *sigh* Perhaps there are some licensing rights that PKWare imposed, but if one can use Shell32, or some other Freeware based zip library to create...
  12. JaedenRuiner

    Linq, Extensions, Explain..

    Any one know why it is stated in several of the documentations that such and such is an "Extension Class" for something, and when looked upon in the refractor it looks something like this: (example used is for the DataTableExtensions) <Extension> _ Public Class DataTableExtensions ' Methods...
  13. JaedenRuiner

    Linq TypedDataTable Extension Methods - The REAL List.

    in the Help, and on MSDN this is what is listed for Select() But if you have ever used a TypedDataTable (and are using DataSetExtensions) you know that there are three other Select() methods <Extension> _ Public Shared Function [Select](Of TRow As DataRow, S)(ByVal source As...
  14. JaedenRuiner

    Detach Process from Executable..

    I was thinking of trying to design my own "update" function within my program because MSI doesn't interpret the 4th part of the version information as important. So even though my application is version, after a few re-builds and revision changes the msi won't install/upgrade...
  15. JaedenRuiner

    Global Allocation (Unmanaged Memory)

    ...of "address assignment" in VB. Dim ptr As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(8192) Dim b() As Byte ' C# style code below b = (Byte *) ptr Basically, i have the Pointer to a global handle for memory, but I want to use it, but one can't really do much in VB without typing it...
  16. JaedenRuiner


    Why can't I use this Namespace in a Standard WinForms applicaiton. It is available in WPF, and so I thought I'd try it in a WinForm app but it isn't visible. The Reflector says that the namespace is included in WindowsBase ver which is the version used in my WinForm application, so...
  17. JaedenRuiner

    FileVersion, not Assembly Version

    Is there a better way to Retrieve the "FileVersion" of my application in VB.Net other than using the WinAPI Call: GetFileVersionInfo() If not, how would I "Allocate" the Buffer to receive the data from that API DLL call. Pascal Version would be done something like this: var Size: Integer; var...
  18. JaedenRuiner

    Watch Display - Mimic Default Types...

    Well, Some may or may not agree with my mentality behind this, but I found it rather annoying (and somewhat self-defeating) the nature of Size and Point. You can Add a Size to a Point, but you can't add a Point to a Point. Given that they are both structures of two integers, representing a...
  19. JaedenRuiner

    SqlClient Data Provider - Transaction error on Ad-Hoc Linked Servers...

    I've noticed this error several times, and I'm trying to find not only the reason for such a glitch, but also the solution for it as well. When creating ad-hoc queries (using the OPENROWSET() function in the sql server T-SQL language) it happens without fail that even though I can load up an...
  20. JaedenRuiner

    SplitContainer...Painting Order, WindowState Maximized...

    Okay, This is just down right confusing, and I don't know if there is enough space here to give all the info necessary for anyone else to reciprocate this glitch. I have a layout manager class hierarchy that I designed, that basically is given a list of control types which it seeks out...