Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Fetching a Calendar in Outlook

    Hello all, something I thought would have been super easy, but after exhausting the google search engine I am coming up dry. I am able to get my default calendar no problem: Imports Microsoft.Office.Core Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Imports Microsoft.Office.Tools.Outlook Public...
  2. J

    How I parsed a really long email to collect ~20 values

    Public Function GetDispatchInformation(data As String) As Dispatch Dim NewDispatch As New Dispatch Dim sb As New StringBuilder Dim wordDelimiters() As Char = New Char() {vbCrLf} Dim wordDelimiters1() As Char = New Char() {":"c} Dim counter As Integer = 1...
  3. J

    Linq to DASL

    Is this something that is out yet? Can I use it with an express version of visual studio? I want to be able to query my outlook inbox, things are messy here at work. This could help a lot. Can anyone point me to some resources and information about linq to DASL?
  4. J

    APPCRASH, very isolated

    I have a user at our Dallas warehouse who uses the Teletrack application to do quoting for repairs that go through their service center. He alone is reporting a very frequent APPCRASH which looks to be happening once every 15 minutes to two hours, almost like clockwork. there is only one...
  5. J

    Instantiating objects and storing them at runtime.

    Lets say I have a bunch of objects of type ActionTab (which is an abstract derivation of TabPage) I've set up a CommentTab, FailureFixTab, and ScreeningTab. All of these are derived from Action Tab and can be instantiated. I have a table, looks something like this: This table has fields...
  6. J

    "Value cannot be null" Weirdness

    I'm having an issue when trying to setup a data source for a set of combo boxes. I've found success, but only after working around an error stating that "value cannot be null" It took my a while to find the source of this being that the breakpoint after the exception was placed a few lines...
  7. J

    Question Abstracting/overriding tab pages

    I will try to make this post as coherent as possible while the intention of this post is to gather my thoughts and get myself going in the right direction, thus possibly leading to some incoherence. That's where you guys come in! :distant: What I'm trying to do is add and remove tab pages on...
  8. J

    Programmatically (Many different controls w/ Handlers)

    Dim CommentsTab As New TabPage With {.Name = "Comments", .Text = "Add Comments"} TabControl1.TabPages.Add(CommentsTab) Dim flpcomments As New FlowLayoutPanel With {.Parent = TabControl1.TabPages("Comments"), .Dock =...
  9. J

    Having trouble getting this query into Linq

    Select TTUser.Cell, count(distinct serialNumber) as Total From TTRepairhistory join TTUser on ttUser.TTUserID = TTRepairHistory.UserID where date > '12/5/2014' and action = 'Final Test' group by Cell order by Total DESC Here is what I'm doing right now, but unfortunately I need distinct...
  10. J

    Databound DGV, detecting new records.

    I have sub GetOrders which will basically refresh my datasource for my datagridview. It does this by simply querying the database and setting the datasource equal to the results of that query. This causes weirdness when I would like to do something like figure out which records are new and...
  11. J

    Suddenly a need for dynamic server information

    So right now the connection information for the database server my application runs off of is embedded into the code. I knew from the beginning that this was a very temporal way of working it and now the time has come that there may be a demand for my application in other parts of the country...
  12. J

    Generating the missing link (SQL Problem)

    Okay, so two queries, side by side here: select PartNumber, ProductType, TTPartInventory.Location, TTPartLocation.LocationID from TTPartInventory join SKU on TTPartInventory.PartNumber = SKU.ManufacturerPart join TTPartLocation on TTPartLocation.Location = TTPartInventory.Location Select...
  13. J

    Repair Table Structure Question

    Currently I'm debating the necessity of these two tables here: TTRepair holds a single instance of a repair as it is in real time, whereas TTRepairHistory holds a line by line history of that same repair (which includes its present state). In other words, as a TTRepair object is interacted...
  14. J

    Generating controls and handlers for them

    I have this form which is designed to be a home page of sorts for other forms and modules. The trick is that the user logging in to this home page will have access to modules based off of what they are given as defined in the database. So, depending on what kind of access they have they need...
  15. J

    Joining in order to Get AccessibleModules

    So I have these tables: What I want to do is find out what modules a specific technician has access to based on their job function(listed as JobTitle) I think I'm off to a good start here: Dim UserJobs = From user In db.TTUsers _ Join job In...
  16. J

    Lots of routines, or so I think.

    Do complicated forms generally have this many routines? Is my class abnormally large? 'STARTUP ROUTINE Private Sub Repair_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load LoginInfo.ShowDialog() If SQL.Login(LoginInfo.User, LoginInfo.Pwd) = True Then...
  17. J

    SubmitChanges() not updating my db

    Public Sub UpdateRepair(SerialNumber As String, EndTime As DateTime, Status As String, CSRQuoteFlag As Integer) Using db As New ProductionDataModelDataContext Try Dim UpdateCommand = (From repair In db.Repairs _...
  18. J

    Now that I know what Linq is.... Filtering datagrid with Linq

    before, I was doing this: Private Sub btnApplyFilter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnApplyFilter.Click Dim TechFilter As String = TechnicianFilter() Dim StatFilter As String = StatusFilter() Dim StartFilter As String = StartTimeFilter()...
  19. J

    Converting from noob sql to Linq

    ...Public Function GetRepairRecords(SerialNumber As String) As DataSet Dim RepairRecord As New DataSet RepairRecord = runQuery("SELECT * From Repair WHERE SerialNumber = '" & SerialNumber & "'") Return RepairRecord End Function Public Function...
  20. J

    Linq Filter Expression String Builder

    So, I finally managed to slap this bit of code together. I am using it to filter my Dataset. I simply want to show you the code and humbly ask if there are any suggestions to clean it up. First off, the individual expressions: Private Function TechnicianFilter() As String Dim...